why is pitney bowes shipping so slow

It will be delivered, but we just dont know when. Another has been sitting for 7 days on Picked up and processed by agent! Is there? United States. It is now June 8th and no movement since 5/29. Or those mods are doing a disservice to the site they appear to represent by not forwarding legit complaints from its users. Yall can eat 99 hamburgers at your weekly staff lunch instead. 27 This ones still not arrived. Super glad the PB gang was not in charge of the shipping. @loudersoft I was only saying MEH didnt lie. If it suddenly gets very cold tonight I know what froze over! @Barney @Ignorant egg, tomato, and sausage sandwich. @sammydog01 Just to provide a data point on more expensive items ordered. Theres only supposed to be one DHCP server on any network, so that everyone is on the same page to talk to everyone else on the network, especially talking to the router to get to the internet. So Im eating refried rice and sugar beets. @RiotDemon Youre not wrong, I should have remembered that part when I said it. ), Instead, these topics are infrequent. I purchased some products from the Bath & Body Works website on 9/18/22. A reminder that not all posts here are about orders from Meh. Re P-B and the question about whether things might improve. Grapevine, TX Suddenly remembered I ordered screen cleaner in mid-May. So this will be my last post on your forum. That could cut your lease expense significantly. Thats the one and only update Ive received. Hopefully meh takes notice more than their inept mods. is the lie with USPS or with pitney bowes? Greenwood, IN, April 24, 2020 In Transit For more information about reviews on ConsumerAffairs.com please visit our Delivered to Pitney Bowes Facility Shipping 1. He gave me the number to directory assistance. Itd be only fair. The day I ordered I got a notice that it was coming the next day. After that, so the packages overlords dont eventually find out, they will delete most of the vacation history. Bloomington, CA. Good (or neutral I shall say) news is that this does provide the weight and I am getting the standard rate of $1 per pound. Pitney Bowes is an awful company. Roscommon, MI Ive seen so many new people posting and curious about this whole mediocre thing, and when the estimated delivery is 2 months out well, you arent courting repeat customers. Most products ship via the US Postal Service. Packages routinely went on scenic routes too, often detouring another 1,000+ miles before heading towards their actual destination. Im starting to think PB has just given up - nothing is moving beyond Picked up and Processed by Agent. MAY 18 2020 /image crap shoot. Today I received a long awaited MorningSave order. Can you imagine if they ever had to certify chain of command on any of their shipments? @Collin1000 @kevinrs @OnionSoup And if we all had bleach every night meh would no longer have any customers and then would go out of business. The Seagram building has changed hands a few times over the years. A link has directed you to this review. Huntington, WV But my experience with the cheap stuff will make me think twice about making a higher priced purchase. My mediocre socks were the best. I referred them back to the various threads here detailing peoples frustrations as well as trying to catalog (within their character limits) what our basic complaints are about tracking randomness and after the fact changes, shipping scenic side trips and round trips, Greenwood INs black hole, package appeared to be strapped to a dead turtle (well didnt put it that way, tried to be professional so theyd actually read it and take what I said seriously). I told my daughter it was the most well traveled gift she would receive. I will definitely NOT be ordering from meh ever again, as long as they use Pitney Bowes as a shipper. @bhvol you can send regular mail this way? 2:53pm ET You just cant snap your fingers have have everything turn out perfect overnight. @KNmeh7 Making derogatory personal attacks on people who dont like how that company is operating (or for other reasons) is out of line. Its almost 3 weeks later. Lol. They either are scanning items onto the truck even if they dont fit on the truck or something similar. Lets hope meh makes a change. Grapevine, TX Inducted into Pitney Bowes Network As a result there likely were/are some changes from even a year ago. Last night suddenly it moved. Greenwood, IN Does anyone know why Meh went with this horrible company? /I know Not 35 and not born in US But its not like the constitution matters anymore so he would probably get the job, im mostly annoyed that the anagram of Pitney Bowes is web toy penis. Since everything is delayed it is adding incorrect information to packages that are sitting waiting to be sorted. Force you to do everything online, refuses to send documents by post but will force you to pay for stamp equipment for Post. If the pillows were that great, would they have been here in the first place? USPS Longest transit time was 5 days after receipt by USPS (parcel shipping). And guess what? 11:17am ET Its really ok to talk about various perspectives and histories regarding this. Maybe this is a good thing and your package will show up shortly? Grapevine, TX @dave honestly , its not just the wait as much as it is how mangled up the last several items I ordered have been when they arrived. It has to travel a thousand miles more than necessary to get here and take a week rather than the three days they say. UPS (Big Brown skidmark) will sit on a package that wasnt paid to ship faster, even if the package is next door and you go to pick it up in person. @f00l @Kidsandliz Youre really never wrong, are you? @GBrunner321 @mike808 idk, Ive gotten plenty of things from ups earlier than expected. USPS info lists the carrier as Pitney Bowes. Cuisinart knives Lets get stabby! for the SNL Sean Connery on Jeopardy! I spent my pasta coupons on buys from all their sites Theyre all stuck for last 7 days with no updates. Last line would be "Just want to be clear we understand the problem: massive increases in shipping are causing delays from our carrier, all over, but especially in the west, as mentioned above. will figure out how to use a better shipper without breaking the bank for everyone. Unfortunately Meh refunded me after 3 weeks of it being stuck in NJ. Picked up and Processed by Agent I get what I pay for with the shipping here, so I just take it with a few ice cubes and a glass of Lagavulin 16. 2020 Amusement, some from the last mehrethon, some - who the fuck knows. Ive been ordering more stuff than ever so I dont have to go out into a store unless necessary and they are all hit hard. Still Its a step forward and probably means my packages still exist and havent been burnt in the fiery pits of Mordor. reference. And no you cant get it any faster. And who sometimes work with other shipping/logistics companies. @djslack Actually a subscription to stamps.com comes with as part of the lease for the meter, but then Id have to print the postage on my computer. Carrollton, TX. Now pushed to Monday 16th. @dave @OnionSoup @RiotDemon My Spaghettini was delivered undamaged lots of bubble wrap to protect it. Usually thats Smartpost or Surepost, which starts with FedEx or UPS and ends with the post office. Pitney Bowes has had my husbands tactical vest in Grapevine, TX since June 20, 2020. May 20, 2020 Ive called Pitney Bowes and USPS. Delivered to Pitney Bowes Facility @Kidsandliz Thanks for the clarification. Other companies are still getting things to me quickly but Pitney Bowes is just amazingly backwards. How odd my shipping information has now been radically cleaned up. It took 27 days to arrive. My package has been sitting at the Pitney Bowes facility for 20 days now. PITNEY BOWES is apparently Mehs new shipping partner. @kevinrs Sorry. There is a new postmaster general starting this month. As soon as my package arrives, Im cancelling emails and everything with MEH as they are not responsive. When I called to informed them I told them enough time has been wasted and we just need a functioning Pitney Bowes machine as our company mail is piling up. It does take time, but they are working on it. Surprise! My due date for delivery from Pitney Bowes was yesterday. after a 40 min. Parcel transportation solutions Ship farther, faster and cheaper with the USPS. Two weeks ago (which roughly coincides with when they took a turn for the even worse) they got hit with Maze ransomware. @LitreofFarva @dvshrt Well depending on WHICH PB tracking page you look at I am told no package with that tracking number, arrived at PB facility Greenwood, IN June18th, the June 6 above has vanished, or in transit to location unknown, and on one page it says all dates are invalid (now that final one is probably true LOL - not!). Enjoy reading our tips and recommendations. Im guessing mail from meh.com is of the lowest priority because its so inexpensive. The one time an item didnt make it to me, meh refunded my money. Greenwood, IN, April 24, 2020 It assumes the scan was missed and fills it in. Yeah I hate to say it because I just love you all and all the Mediocre companies, but I think Ill have to hold off ordering anything else until all this shakes out. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date., ATLANTA, GA 30349 [July 21 9:00am]. X. My May Irk has been in Greenwood since 6/16. @OnionSoup If they asked, you got preferential treatment! They just pushed the delivery date 4 more days. May 11, 2020 Ive had a meh purchase tangled up in the Pitney Bowes black hole since June 23rd. Wonder at what point it gets considered lost and should reach out to CS. I placed a MorningSave order for a $55 air fryer on May 5th. Admittedly my own experience with PB lines up with everyone elses; at least one of my items was shipped back to meh and is making the trip a second time. I just dont know whats going on here. 3:03pm ET Carrollton, TX I wish I knew when the air fryer would arrive though, @Barney @benjaMEHn @Ignorant @narfcake @RiotDemon @sammydog01, WHY would you post in a COMPLAINT thread if you have no complaint? You can use this set of API key and secret to generate OAUTH tokens and start accessing the Shipping APIs. Im only a few hours from there so if they would ship it I would have it tomorrow! Membership renewal is coming up, considering cancelling it right before it renews, and maybe Ill restart next time I see something I want to buy. I called after 3 days. 9:29pm ET Thats one reason I am totally in AWE of the 100# pasta drop shipments! My irk arrived today with original shipping date being 6/11 and arriving today, 7 days later. They should be into long term storage not speedy delivery. @kcface My lanterns and waterpic arrived on the same pony! Originally this was a Mothers Day gift, ordered mid-April. August 4, 2020 How long does it really take to unload a truck? @thewynner do you honestly think that we dont talk to the people that run meh? Packages appear to go out for delivery every day, Ive seen up to 15 days, and each day, get delayed another day. 4:22pm ET @dvshrt @Kidsandliz yeah mine showed being in my town then back to greenwood, then to obetz Ohio, and now supposedly back in my town in Ohio for last 2 days. This shit has been going on since I hit the internet and BBS back in the late 90s, so honestly it is pretty pathetic you guys deem this forum as some social achievement. @scilynt try going to the pitney bowes site, and put the tracking number in there, and look at the FDR tracking. Hi @NITERIDERZ sorry about your package, but just a heads up this is only a thread complaining about Pitney Bowes, this isnt actually Pitney Bowes so unfortunately no one will be able to help you with your packages here. By comparison, a set of $39 Morningsave sheets ordered on the 19th somehow went out FedEx on the 22nd and is scheduled to arrive on the 29th, which is pretty routine for these shipments. Wellthis is super crazyit was IN GAINESVILLEleft and went to GAguess where it is supposed to be??? Pitney Bowes is a shipping service, not an entity you wait on a package from, them being the shipping service will not change the time it takes to arrive. May 12, 2020 @f00l I think I had mentioned this here once upon a time, but I too have a fond memory of long lost onion soup in Manhattan. $5.99/month membership gets you free shipping on these sites: Copyright 2023 Meh. Meh packages arrive when they arrive. SAY WHAT??? Huntington, WV 5:47pm ET Of course the worst is the one that was in grapevine on the 21st and hasnt scanned since, but if theyve stopped posting updates, maybe they noticed that people were complaining about orders appearing to bounce back and forth and not get anywhere. /giphy Top. Does anyone have any idea what this means? But I still remember the first time (incl when and where) I tasted proper onion soup: After many phone calls to the phone number on their website and only having it disconnect after 3 rings, I came to the address on the website. My more recent orders appear to be getting to California in just a few days, so thats hopeful. I dont mail a lot (although I have been during the pandemic) and I really like it. I must be one of the lucky ones. MAY @B Mine is the same in Cincy picked up and processed by agent - Brother got his IRK ordered same day weeks ago - mine is stuck in limbo. But it was a fine place to be, once upon a time, at 4am in Manhattan. So good. If they actually tried to figure out where something is Id suspect theyd never be able to find it. June 1st for the irkthe speaker left CT on April 30thI ended up getting a refund on itbut in the meh tracking system it shows delivered to Pitney Bowes location in NH on April 30thwhich it may or may not have been it just never made it here. 15 Unfortunately I dont have an immediate answer, but I wanted to make sure its clear we know this is a problem and its something were paying close attention to and working on. May 12, 2020 Its ridiculous. Each day since, in the afternoon I get a notice that its delayed to the next day. Unsubscribe easily. So I was just on PB trying to figure out what is going on. @eonfifty @mcc36 Some of the tracking weirdness comes from PB using container tracking numbers. hey @snapster - can I walk over there and pick it up. @Cerridwyn Screenshot instead. Would I pay more a month for better shipping, maybe? I bought 2 BT speakers from sidedeal and they first took 12 days just to ship, and now they have been stuck Inducted in Grapevine TX for 7 days. The other 3 all show In Transit Bloomington CA May 30 as the most recent line, though one took 17 lines to get that far, and the other 2 took only 4. They arrange shipping by piggybacking on other orders. The thread is titled Pitney Bowes complaint thread so that those who feel the same way about Pitney Bowes can vent. The dragon died. 2020 In Transit I dont think they do first in first out, I think they move boxes into a warehouse until truck arrives and then load what can fit on, regardless of how long the package has sat there for. @bmjones7514 I have a package stuck there too, whats funny is a couple things shipped after that one have also gone through Grapevine without issue and didnt bing the other one with them. @carl669 Its too bad I couldnt think of any other anagrams from that. The only reason I can come up with if that you enjoy being argumentative. i track packages from USPS for delivery all the time, none of them have ever had differing information the way this one does. @loudersoft @chellemonkey @Kidsandliz Well, its out for delivery so there you go right on time? I am 100% confident the package is exactly where they say it is. You knowinducted into OnionSoupstopped at stomach for three days returned to esophagusentering lower bowelreturned to stomachexited system with slight damage. The absolute worst. The second problem is that it hadnt been scanned into into that post office. Half of what I ordered a month ago hasnt arrived, and none of those have had tracking updates for a time ranging from a week to over 3. NM, DEMING, 88030, Picked up and Processed by Agent, 2020-08-07 23:43 Im looking forward to tracking my t-shirt through the Pitney Bowes system. I have a package that arrived in College Park, GA on the 23rd. Back now. So where are they located?! I think this method would allow the shipping company to meet all its contractual obligations with low priority shippers while at the same time getting in on that same-day and next-day pandemic shipping market. I have an order placed from a different site, on April 12. My shirt spent about 3 days in actual transit. Pitneys Bowes is the provider for online shipping labels such as Ebay shipping, Paypal shipping and all other online shipping labels. Help us out on this one. @narfcake Ill agree with that if Im buying something cheap, like a $14 t-shirt, but meh sells more than just t-shirts. I know that just about no one talks about the new spot as a place one would especially want to go. secondly, youre not getting it providing me with tracking that says one thing one place and a different thing at another screams misleading and false to me, but maybe when people mislead you, you still trust them. https://pastadrop.com/forum/topics/order-delays--drop-six-shipping. They answer right away, but it takes them that long to get your message. What does it get you? Consumers complaining about Pitney Bowes most frequently mention customer service, postage meter and negative stars problems.Pitney Bowes ranks 571st among Software Other sites. 12 minutes apart. @Barney haha nah I dont think theyd ever find their way here. @mike808 @RiotDemon Did you not read his lengthy complaint? Aint what it used to be, shipping was never an issue. Free shipping for many products! If that you enjoy being argumentative Kidsandliz Youre really never wrong, are you that those who the! Awe of the 100 # pasta drop shipments shipping labels I told my daughter it was coming the next.! On these sites: Copyright 2023 meh bowelreturned to stomachexited system with slight damage force you to pay stamp! Who feel the same pony up shortly of their shipments various perspectives and histories regarding this on buys from their. 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