similarities of western and eastern concept of self

Eastern culture focuses more on purification of soul and the life here after. Please support World History Encyclopedia. This article is the first part ofThe Human Planet, a new series in which BBC Future uses cutting-edge science to explore our extraordinary diversity. In China it is common for the security guard or the receptionist to talk to you about whether you have eaten breakfast, lunch, or dinner. To confirm the voluntary settlement theory, however, psychologists would want to examine a second, independent, case study as a counterpoint. The participants were also asked to take a social reasoning test, which asked them to discuss a baseball player using performance-enhancing drugs. Very basically, anatta (or anatman in Sanskrit) is the teaching that there is no permanent, eternal, unchanging, or autonomous "self" inhabiting "our" bodies or living "our" lives. Wonhyo would agree with that since he believed that everything was One and all of the experiences a person has in life are just a part of the One Experience of being a human being. Again, this tendency to blame personal attributes is characteristic of an individualistic society, and much closer to the average Americans responses. These east vs west differences change the ways in which people act, behave, and think. Lesson 4: The Self Therefore, people should only be encouraged to follow goodness so that they can live better and fulfilling life. Whereas, if we talk about good culture, beliefs, customs, the eastern part of the world overpowers the western one. The best example, however, of the fundamental sameness of eastern and western thought is epitomized in the works of two of the best-known philosophers from their respective hemispheres: Plato (l. 428-348 BCE) of the west and Wang Yangming (l. 1472-1529 CE) of the east. The Greek philosopher Epictetus (l. c. 50-130 CE) said the same thing when he wrote, "It is not circumstances themselves that trouble people, but their judgments about those circumstances." hope of enjoying life through society. And so the Japanese government had largely left it to the indigenous Ainu people, who survived through hunting and fishing. Ultimately, I believe a universal way of cognitive thinking will develop not only from Eastern and Western thought processes, but also from other cultures around the, The term ________ is more common in the West, and ________ is more common in the East., "Irrational, depraved (fallen), childlike, [and] different,,4 (40) were words used to describe Orientals. Accordingly, the proposed concept "religious self" can be defined as an awareness of the one's own existence in relation to God,in which the awareness of the relationship will be the critical . There is no eastern or western philosophy; there is only philosophy. Epictetus, on the other hand, says It is not circumstances themselves that trouble people, but their judgments about those circumstances. These statements are basically similar but only different words used. And there is a growing evolution in Southeast Asia of Tech hubs and innovation This change is aligned with the start-up nature of many privatised businesses and therefore needs individuals to be adaptive to change and able to face uncertainty at a very high level. Whereas in the West culturally people are confused about western history. For example, topics like sex or birth of a child are openly discussed in Western culture, whereas in the East, these topics are still taboo. These are arbitrary distinctions which totally miss the underlying, and essentially identical, aims of eastern and western philosophy. . An eye-tracking study by Richard Nisbett at the University of Michigan found that participants from East Asia tend to spend more time looking around the background of an image working out the context whereas people in America tended to spend more time concentrating on the main focus of the picture. I believe that there are positives from both ways of thinking that can be applied to everyday business and life. We would much rather spend this money on producing more free history content for the world. Latino assimilation into Western culture has been tumultuous. The fundamental purpose of philosophy is to find meaning in ones life and purpose to ones path, and there is no major difference between eastern and western philosophy according to that understanding. They are more individualistic, prouder of success, more ambitious for personal growth, and less connected to the people around them. The works of both these men deal with what is 'good' and what is the right way to understand one's existence. In China in particular, students follow the learning tradition founded by Confucius, who emphasized the vital role of education in bringing honor to one's self . Whereas in the east it is less likely that the individual will voice such concerns and may be silent with personal feelings. As set they differ in their features but mostly because they are oriented in different directions. -Since the discovery of easternphilosophyby western explorers and scholars in the 18th and 19th centuries CE, there has been an arbitrary division maintained, especially in colleges and universities, between western philosophy and eastern philosophy as though these two systems present radically different views of the world. Create a free website or blog at Framework. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. 809 certified writers online. Whereas in the West the self is understood primarily as an autonomous ego whose existence is distinct from that of others, in the East, it is often argued there is no meaning of self that is independent of our relations to others. passive. As all cultures both east and west cultures its clear that everyone is striving for a better future. And it is usually not the most experienced that goes up the ladder. Ed.)., Petition (Let the Students Have Fun and Dont Waste Their Youth By Giving Too Much Requirements),,, Meaning if you personally add value, you are a more important member of the community and given a higher status. As Horace Capron first travelled through Hokkaido in 1871, he searched for a sign of human life among the vast prairies, wooded glades and threatening black mountains. neighbors? Related Content Eastern culture's belief that a person's idenitty is derived fromhis or her social group. Although Western Philosophy tends to focus on the parts in an idea, the Eastern Philosophers focus to look at an idea as a whole. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. The love of wisdom knows no separate region; philosophy defies all boundaries and every kind of petty regional definition. Collectivism - individuals are part of a group and the needs of the group come before the individual. Anatman is contrasted with the Vedic teachings of the Buddha's day, which taught that there is within each of us an atman, or an unchanging, eternal soul or identity . In the literature, there are many correlated concepts, such as: self-consciousness, consciousness, self, personal identity and other . all self-knowledge integrated into. 28 Feb 2023. The rough idea is that collectivism, characterised by greater conformity and deference to others, may make people more conscientious about avoiding the behaviours that could spread disease. to struggle and hard work, Arrange marriages are not common Arrange marriages are common, Sources: And this can be divided into six branches that have various importance over time. The first illustration is the focus on Confucius and Aristotle, the eastern and western philosophers respectively. )), Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards (Conrado T. Valix, Jose F. Peralta, and Christian Aris M. Valix), Intermediate Accounting (Conrado Valix, Jose Peralta, Christian Aris Valix), Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering (Warren L. McCabe; Julian C. 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Yes, holidays with family and time off is important. URL:, believe on what we believe in. discussing to his/her own family, Elderly person's welfare becomes the Nearly 70% were American, and most were undergraduate students hoping to gain pocket money or course credits by giving up their time to take part in these experiments. Thank you for your help! As Hussain points out, there are many historic connections between Eastern and Western countries that will mean that some people straddle both ways of thinking, and factors like age and class will also have an effect. In the East and west are similarly respected. Mo-Ti, some claim, aims at a holistic understanding of one's self and one's surroundings while a western philosopher like Plato emphasizes specific goals one should strive for in discovering what is true and real in life. Thomas Talhelm at the University of Chicago recently examined 28 different provinces of China, finding that the thinking orientation appeared to reflect the local agriculture of the region. Almost all the people he questioned are not directly involved in farming, of course but the historical traditions of their regions are still shaping their thinking. Western culture. As a child Bird called Iran home, and wanted to go back as an adult after hearing about the country all over the news in her current home, New York City. The culture in the east is to focus the family and the importance of the family on the children. This can be an odd conversation for westerners who may inquiry why someone is asking such personal questions. Much however go into the nitty-gritty or finesse of details about their points of departure, I think similarities, broadly speaking, can be drawn in favor . Westerners and specifically Americans were coming out at the far end of the distributions, says Joseph Henrich at the University of British Columbia, who was one of the studys authors. Doctoral student in the counseling psychology program. If that were true, the Western bias would have been unimportant. The most often cited difference is that western philosophy is 'fragmentary' while eastern philosophy is 'holistic'. Last modified January 17, 2016. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to understand the self-perceptions of Latino students at an institution of higher education in Eastern Pennsylvania. Just as a child knows when it is hungry, a person knows how to be good. For example, the dialects. Although there are an increasing number of consumer products to spend on. Sign up for our free weekly email newsletter! This can be seen in the form of parents also purchasing housing close to schools that they want their children to go to. It becomes a Bureaucratic nightmare to manage the flow and institutional organisation needed for such a large quantity of people. True "Me" is given and doesn't, Cedrick Pouliot China and e-commerce expert Interview, What is a KOL in marketing; Social commerce marketing in China and ASEAN 2022, Cedrick Pouliot China and e-commerce expert Interview part 2. The similarities between eastern and western philosophy are greater than any differences cited by modern-day writers and lecturers on the topic. Some of this occurs in considering the west, but cultural distinctions are generally more readily acknowledged., However, when it comes to family culture, class culture, individual (or country) tends to keep their own culture and stick to what they believe in. So what are the differences and similarities between east vs west culture? Further illustration of the above philosophies by Plato and Wang points out the similarity. Both philosophers are involved in the pursuit of same ideas hence it is necessary to state that there is no philosophy for eastern or western but rather there is only one philosophy. Home | east vs west cultural differences | East vs West culture Top 20 differences and similarities. Historians such as Frederick Jackson Turnerhave long argued that the expansion and exploration into the west has nurtured a more independent spirit, as each pioneer battled the wilderness and each other for their own survival. THE SELF IN WESTERN AND ORIENTAL/EASTERN THOUGHTS. As an important feature of manufacturing development, agglomeration also plays a substantial role the promotion of technological progress and green transformation. Required fields are marked *. Before Emperor Meiji decided to populate the island, the only people to live in Hokkaido were the indigenous Ainu (Credit: Getty Images). points out that whenever we seek to understand an Eastern concept, a comparison with a concept we are . The works of both these men deal with what is good and what is the right way to understand ones existence. That is, the idea . This blog covers what is a KOL in marketing in China and Asia and takes a look at there KOL landscape in 2022. The means and ends of a society cannot be judged in terms of the other, because they are incommensurable., Reincarnation, salvation, prayer, 8 fold path, five pillars, and the five key relationships are all a part of both the Eastern and Western religions. And therefore, this may go some way into explaining the vast Bureaucracy that is prominent in many easter cultures and countries. 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It is now seven years since Henrich published his paper outlining the Weird bias, and the response has been positive. 2. developed theories of self what it means to be a human being. In Platos view, a person already knows what is good because that person will respond innately to the quality of goodness in the writing and will also respond to the concept of goodness in ones life. Debunk interning in eastern cultures vs. western cultures with GoAbroad. In the East, there is a non-dualistic conception of the self where there is no distinction between creation and creator, and Man and the self is viewed as being part of a cosmic drama acted out by the divine creator. And this thinking style also extends to the way we categorise inanimate objects. He found that within one generation, the children of immigrants had started to adopt some elements of the more individualistic outlook, and less holistic cognitive styles. In doing so, one might be able to shed light on one's own views of the Self, and perhaps arrive at some . Non-western or collectivistic cultures view the self as interdependent and inseparable from social context and individuals socialized to value interconnectedness consider the thoughts and behaviors of others. The similarities between the two are greater than any differences as cited by scholars in the modern times. From the above illustrations of eastern and western philosophies, it is evident that the fundamental ideas addressed are similar. This sequential explanatory mixed methods study (quant + QUAL) examined elementary preservice teachers' conceptions of teaching engineering. This refers to the popular understanding that eastern philosophy specificallyChinese philosophy addresses the whole of human existence while western philosophy beginning with the Greeks only focuses on certain aspects of the human condition. Many employees in the East are expected to do overtime and get company things done, before any personal break is given. Changing sometimes month to month. However, the approaches differ significantly in the manners of developing than understanding. Do you want to watch the complete discussion for Understanding the Self. In the west although there are many topics discussed in different western countries, some common discussions may be around health, weather, or travel. One could compare the fundamental ideas of the great Chinese philosopher Confucius (l. 551-479 BCE) with those of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (l. 384-322 BCE) and find they are presenting the same basic concepts. For example Guochao is the growing trend of Chinese consumers on Chinese culture and nationalism. Daniel N. Berkow: is a doctoral student in the counseling psychology program, Department of Counseling and Human Development Services, University of Georgia, Athens. Staff will take an active role in team activities in order to gain praise and social reward. Specifically, first and second year Latino student's self-perceptions of campus assimilation and involvement in campus activities were studied. Though it can be argued that western parents will send their children to better school and push them to work hard in some cases. This may also have something to do with stages of economic development. Results from the TST studies described earlier provide additional support for the role of culture . Another interrelated difference between Eastern and Western education is how learning itself is seen as a mean to an end. Book and brain for in western concept they made use of reasons rather than faith, knowledge and consciousness as basis to identify oneself. Western culture is known for its materialism. Travellers daring to make the crossing would have then had to endure the notoriously brutal winters, rugged volcanic landscape and savage wildlife. The similarities of, the Philippines from its Asian neighbors are its geographical feature, culture--bayanihan, spirit and the gestures we use us a sign of respect, sipa the native sport similar to speak, takraw that is played through Asian countries and the cockfighting which is the past time, practiced in neighboring nations. The problem of the self currently remains unsolved. collectivistic achievement. A good example is our university, George Mason. Crucially, our social orientation appears to spill over into more fundamental aspects of reasoning. These are arbitrary distinctions which totally miss the underlying, and essentially identical, aims of eastern and western philosophy. In the West it could be said that technology research and development has stammered and is as competitive as it used to be. Daniel N. Berkow. spoken, famous folklore, well-known local products, festivals, etc. Alex Mesoudi at the University of Exeterrecently profiled the thinking styles of British Bangladeshi families in East London. He is particularly pleased that researchers like Talhelm are beginning to set up big projects to try to understand the kaleidoscope of different ways of thinking. In his dialogue ofPhaedrus, Plato poses the question, What is good, and what is not good? A person is more free and flexible to reach on his/her own You can read the details below. The relativist philosophies of the Chinese sophist Teng Shih (l. 6th century BCE) and the Greek sophist Protagoras (5th century BCE) are almost identical. World History Encyclopedia, 17 Jan 2016. Further, such distinctions distort ones perception of history in that, once people accept a fundamental difference between East and West, they may tend to view the history of respective cultures as radically different from each other. Running a website with millions of readers every month is expensive. We care about our planet! This refers to the popular understanding that eastern philosophy - specifically Chinese philosophy - addresses the whole of human existence while western philosophy - beginning with the Greeks - only focuses on certain aspects of the human condition. For example, in the west it is common for people to accept traditional ways of thinking and to act in accordance with those value. Intriguingly, this distinction could also be seen in childrens drawings from Japan and Canada, suggesting that the different ways of seeing emerge at a very young age. In the east there may be a social pressure to conform and therefore, people will keep their opinions to themselves more often. Suppose you are asked to name the two related items in a list of words such as train, bus, track. 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Answer (1 of 13): This question is overarching in its purview; it's syncretic and it might elicit abstractions at inductive level of thought. The idea of being together with the family is something . Another crucial area of comparison for eastern and western philosophy is innate morality. Western people think that their culture is more civilized than eastern cultures, while Eastern people think that theirs is more pure and sincere compare to manipulated western cultures. Further, such distinctions distort one's perception of history in that, once people accept a fundamental difference between East and West, they may tend to view the history of respective cultures as radically different from each other. Since the 'discovery' of eastern philosophy by western explorers and scholars in the 18th and 19th centuries CE, there has been an arbitrary division maintained, especially in colleges and universities, between 'western philosophy' and 'eastern philosophy' as though these two systems present radically different views of the world. Mark, Emily. Yet the small number of available studies which had examined people from other cultures would suggest that this is far from the case. Read about our approach to external linking. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. I. In fact, when comparing countries, this cognitive profile is closer to America than the rest of Japan. Tropical forests play a critical role in the hydrological cycle and can influence local and regional precipitation 1. While Plato is quite well known in the west, Wang Yangming is less so, even though he is as famous as Plato in China, Korea, and Japan. Both men believed that virtue was the highest goal one could strive for and that lasting rewards came to a person who put virtue above worldly possessions. Our world is becoming a melting pot of cultures as people continue to blend in and integrate. Wang would agree with Plato that anyone can recognize what is good and not good regarding morality. Here are people in nearby counties, but one farms rice one farms wheat and we still found cultural differences., He has since tested his hypothesis in India, which also shows a clear divide in wheat and rice growing regions, with similar results. Nisbett points out that Western philosophers emphasised freedom and independence, whereas Eastern traditions like Taoism tended to focus on concepts of unity. An example of this could be notifying a member of staff of a presentation or large event to be done on the day of an event or similar. Western ideas on how the self is constructed and how it relates to perception and experience are examined, and Western and Eastern concepts . Europeans then became "rational, virtuous, mature, [and] normal" (40), and the line between the two parts of the world was set; Europe (or the West) as the strong one and Asia (or the East) as the weak one (57). Mark, Emily. Eastern concepts of the ego differ from Western concepts. (Gerard J. Tortora), Science Explorer Physical Science (Michael J. Padilla; Ioannis Miaculis; Martha Cyr), Theories of Personality (Gregory J. Feist), Calculus (Gilbert Strang; Edwin Prine Herman), Rubin's Pathology (Raphael Rubin; David S. Strayer; Emanuel Rubin; Jay M. McDonald (M.D. It tended to be more important than schooling in explaining that shift.. The most often cited difference is that western philosophy is 'fragmentary' while eastern philosophy is 'holistic'. In both east vs west one of the similarities are the health systems. Compared to other kinds of agriculture, rice farming demands greater cooperation within a community, with intricate irrigation systems spanning many plots (Credit: Getty Images). Submitted by Emily Mark, published on 17 January 2016. In the western sense of individualism team building is less prevalent. There is no difference in their fundamental ideas. Need we ask anyone to tell us these things? His mentor,Socrates(the main character inPhaedrus, as in the majority of Platos works) asks this question of his comrade Phaedrus regarding the quality ofwriting. Theres some inertia in the culture.. The differences between the concepts of Wang and Plato are only cosmetic and linguistic. Cite your sources. Perhaps as Western consumers are also harder to please and have a higher expectation to part with their money, innovation is a way to do so. Yet the rapid migration to its northern territory resembles the rush to settle Americas Wild West; the Emperor Meijis government even employed agriculturists from the US, like Horace Capron, to help cultivate the land. Whereas the individual will choose to work hard and obtain goals. People from the West are more open to expressing their feelings. in Asia it is common for people to chit chat about food. Likewise when talking to Asian people about the weather westerners may receive strange looks and some may not quite understand the nature of the conversation and loos interest. I. quora/What-are-the-differences-between-the-Western-and-Eastern-societies-

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