adam means dark earth

White people are not a result of a black Adam and black Eve having albino children and then by natural processes, due to climate, having almost all melanin in their genes eventually breaded out. ???? Please re-read your Bible carefully. Adam and Eve, in the Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions, the original human couple, parents of the human race. 1. They were drinking rainwater from streams. Lilith (Akkadian origin) means 'of the night.' Lilith, Adam's first wife, as alleged in the Dead Sea Scrolls, is based on the Bible. Therefore, (God) said: We have created man in the finest form (95:4). . Genetics are like statistics; one can use them selectively to prove their point. Adam also means made of dark red earthand made of blood. The first one was what happened when Adam was in heaven, the second was when he was in paradise and the third happened when Adam was . Chocked with minerals, it has many health benefits and can remove toxins from the body, improve digestion, etc. Adam is the name given in Genesis 1-5 to the first human. Gen 2:11 The name of the first is the Pishon. Adam Was Not Deceived - Part 1 - Vagrant Writer - Read the Article! Now days they try to twist of up the meaning of words saying he was a pale faced red haired Caucasian boy with blues eyes..LOL! NOW, IF YOU GOOGLE RED COWS AND CLICK ON IMAGES, YOU WOULD SEE BROWN COWS NOT RED COWS. They rather interpret it to mean that mankind in general shares a likeness with God only in his soul. What Does The Word Genesis Actually Means ? This notion is based on the following three pieces of evidence: (2) Adams complexion was tuned for the early atmosphere. God has only one legitimate image which He made Himself: Adam. Search for more names by meaning If we are correct, Neanderthal is the key to understanding Adam and our roots. This is not a modern Black Muslim reading of the Quran. Naturally the current interpretation of Islam is not in this direction, but we can wonder why. If one looks at the present distribution of skin pigmentation on the globe, it is obvious the darker skin colors inhabit the equatorial regions and the lighter skin colors occupy the more northern and southern latitudes. For Anton Parks, -DAM means "animals" in Sumerian. Adam was formed out of the dust of the ground (also from the Hebrew H119 meaning redness), received the breath of life, and became a living soul (Genesis 2:7). The humans had not yet learned how to eat and how to sleep, they had not learned to make clothes or permanent homes. Only Caanan was cursed to be a servant of servants. The probability of finding two unrelated ruddy Neanderthals would be 1 in 10,000. And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. They were not as ivory or pale-coloured. And the first 'woman' was called 'Eve' because with Eve came the eV (as in energy, measured in electron-volts), as a consequence of being 'taken from' Adam. Some people say that he was named Adam because he was created from the face (udma) of the earth. He reports: I found one (of them) citing, in proof of the possibility of Gods incarnation in bodies, Gods word to the angels regarding Adam: So that when I have made him complete and breathed into him of my spirit, fall down making obeisance to him. (The incarnationists) held that God commanded the angels to bow down before Adam only because he embodied himself in Adam and really abode in him because he created him in the most beautiful form. 1. Since in the past the term white was used for a person whose complexion was like a black person today, one must wonder what it is that the Arabs of the past called people who were white in the sense that the word is used today. We also know that the Bible proclaims that the life of the flesh is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11). In a famous passage we are told that Adam was created from the dust of the earth. ????????? The more appropriate question is: whom does he know? My angel/guide . The word Adam means "the one from Earth". It could be ultimately derived from Hebrew ('adam) meaning "to be red", referring to the ruddy colour of human skin, or from Akkadian adamu meaning "to make". The sayings and gestures of Hobo Jojo, in his stronghold in town and in other regions of the cosmos where I have known him well. This is because most of the slaves of the Arabs were white (red). The term black is used today for people who are not black at all. ?????? Looking at world population studies, it is obvious that the darker pigments are close to the equator and the lighter pigments are in the northern and southern latitudes. It may not display this or other websites correctly. A submission from Turkey says the name Adam means "Adam is the first name on the earth for the first prophet . Spanish Proverb:- Africa empieza en los Pirineos. The root of the Hebrew word is "adam" and means "of a ruddy complexion, to show blood in the face, to blush;" a word obviously not applicable to the dark races, which we also know from scientific facts to be much older than the "blushing" white race. Cush, Phut,Mitzraim and Caanan. When I have shaped him, and breathed My spirit into him, then fall down in prostration before him, 30. THE VERSE GIVES YOU THE DE This Biblical interpretation or exegesis by Min Farrakhan may seem shocking at first: personally I have never come across a Jewish or Christian reader who explicitly reads Gen. 1:26 as suggesting that the Black Man is God. In the garden of Eden ther soil that was their was pure black not clay grey or whatever tell the world the truth come on dont start putting images with long hear portraying to be Adam.You are miss leading the world. Skin pigment is primarily determined by the amounts of two different color pigments: eumelanin and pheomelanin. This site uses cookies to help personalize content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. However, both men in America could be mistaked for African American or Puerto Rican for those not familiar with Arabs. But it has its root meaning at 119. the true God of light was "crucified", and in his place a veil was placed to bring in the reign of the Dark Horse, or the planet Saturn also known as . Diet can also provide vitamin D as is demonstrated by the Eskimos who live in total darkness for a good portion of the year. Jesus resurrected multi-dimensional body (Luke 24) and Paul and Peter telling us we will have the same body (return to the garden). The speaker meant that his color is like that of the slaves who were captured from the Christians of Syria, Rome, and Persia. Aisha Stacey. Therefore, we must wait to know how much variation in hair color and complexion the Neanderthals had. Hi. The numbers are so insignificant the original studies concluded almost no relationship. I believe Adam and Eve were multi-dimensional creations who were tasked with changing the 3-dimensional world where Eden was placed. It was the name given to the first man, whose creation, fall, and subsequent history and that of his descendants are detailed in the first book of Moses (Gen ( Genesis 5). This is why God forbade Israel from bowing down before images made by man (Exodus 20:1-7). Ruddy means brownish red. Then after Babel, the darker complexioned people migrated to the areas where they felt the most comfortable. The meaning of Adam is : Red,reference to either the red skin or the red earth of Eden from which the old Testament Adam was created. The Hebrew word adamah means "land," "ground," or "soil." The New American Standard Bible translates adamah as "ground" 64 times and "land" or "lands" 114 times. It seems to me as a bio guy, if your conclusions that Adam and Eve were perfect genetic creations, (which I agree with), there is not enough time from Adam forward to have that many hybrid variations to create a Neanderthal. rudig. MAN HERE IS THE HEBREW WORD, ?? When the Arabs described another Arab as black-skinned, they were only expressing the fact that the person was so dark-skinned that he/she was black, a color much darker than the color of most so-called African Americans and also a color much darker than the color of most so-called Africans. Means from the earth. Archer. Go back much further than the Quaternary, and everything . Got it! It is the common Jewish and Christian exegesis that fails to take well enough account of the original context of the Biblical verse. 1611, The Holy Bible, [ ] ( King James Version ), London: [ ] Robert Barker, [ ], OCLC 964384981, Genesis 3:20: And Adam called his wiues name Eue, because she was the mother of all liuing. So, if Neanderthals had the same mix, the probability of testing one Neanderthal and finding it had red hair would be 1 in 100. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. According to the tablets of Kharsag, our creators, the Annuna are different from the rest of the world. ?????????) 99. Genesis and Genetics, Keywords: Adam complexion, Adams skin color, Adam hair color, Neanderthal hair color, Neanderthal complexion, antediluvian complexion, antediluvian hair color, Adam skin color. Another misunderstood term used by the Arabs of the past to described a persons complexion is the term black. After the Warriors Diary, here are some tales of power, of obedience, and of ordinary madness. In Kharsag, where heaven and earth meet, the Celestial Assembly , the Great sons of An many wise beings descended on Earth. Pronunciation: /r?dee/ Gen 2:23 Then the man said, This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. (The latest article Ive read suggest Denisovans created a sophisticated bracelet that is clearly Cro-Magnon). The law of amnesia, again, has done its work. He says: Well the Bible tells you He (God) made man in His own image and after His own likeness. SO RUDDY SHOULD MEAN BROWNISH. Come and join them ! ????????????? It.In Hebrew, it is a generic term for man. NOTICE THE DEFINITIONS REFERING TO RUDDY AS HEALTHY, BROWNISH, LIVELY, AND FRESH IN COMPLEXION, WHICH IMPLIES HANDSOMENESS OR BEAUTY. So now RED is used to physically describe Esau/Edom which derives from the word "adam" which means "to show blood". 15:45) It was on the sixth day of the earth's renovation that God created man, both male and female, and . Now that is an uneducated statement. 2) Cro-M was a special creation about 75K to 125K years ago who did advanced art, religion and music. Esau was also described as admonee. Based on the Biblical meaning of the name Adam, the knowledge of the early atmosphere characteristics, and the consideration that Neanderthal is Adams close offspring, we at Genesis and Genetics are persuaded that Adam had red hair and a rosy complexion. This is the Hebrew word for "man". The charcoal-blackened wreck kindles flames smelting plastic to steel, a smore of death, boiling marrow. Adam also means "made of dark red earth" and "made of blood". It too presents Adam as the black statue of God in whom God dwells and through whom God receives worship: 26. Sin is a dominant theme from Genesis chapter three to the end of the Bible, at which time God will do away with sin and its effects, creating a "new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells" (2 Pet 3:13; cf. We also believe that at the time of the flood, the Creator required the human genome to express the various pigments. Most people know the complexion of Bilal ibn Rabah (RAA) and he was described in Arabic using this word. The word adam () indeed means red, but it does not mean to blush, or to become red in the face. originally arabs go between dark and light brownish On a side note, there are various natural clays that have a lot of health benefits. Awlaadberry said: and shadeed al-udma ( shadeed means very and al-udma is the noun form of adam) means very black-skinned. Its all nonsense. Therefore, Adam . There are theories with a small "t" and theories with a capital "T." For the last two decades the concept that most stuff in the universe comes in an invisible form called Dark Matter has grown . The Bible and Science, The Genetics of Kinds-Ravens, Owls, and Doves. Since Adam was created from black mud, its only natural for his complexion to be like that of black mud, which is very adam. Dr. Wesley can be reached at drwesleymuhammad @ Melaina (Greek origin) means 'dark, black.' This last name was of a nymph in Greek . Made of Dark Red Earth. Adam: [noun] the first man and father by Eve of Cain and Abel. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. Poems. Adam Means Earth* By Samuel Menashe About this Poet Born in New York City, Samuel Menashe earned a BA from Queens College. The word in Hebrew is admonee. ?????? The pickup's tire ruptures, swerving head-on to the opposite lane. And he sent and brought him in. And these albinos intermarried which produced the ancestors of present day white people (i.e. because the hard genetic evidence shows no relationship. This isnt the case at all. The fossil evidence shows us that there were giant dragonflies, mammoth millipedes, and huge cockroaches, just to name a few. Simply put: Adam is God Himself in a material body on earth. However, the word Adam Explore. Gen 2:8 And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. It was very popular as a personal name among . Everything is volunteer, everything is free. Also, the yellow in word always mean gold , or when the farm seasons came the corps turned yellow , arab called it yellow here , (Im pretty sure we know what that means.) Myths, legends, ancient paintings and reliefs clearly suggest genetic manipulations that were practiced in ancient times, when our species was still in the cradle. And the white race that did exist were not as white skinned as those of today. The creation of Adam and Eve is found in two separate biblical accounts. ???????) One of these misunderstood terms is the term white . From this term Adam, the father of mankind, received his name. Poseidon m Greek Mythology. Adam as tselem is therefore the black body (statue) of God on Earth. While Black Adam is often seen as a tortured villain who might one day become a hero, his original, pre-DC Comics origin makes it clear that he has the right to let off a little steam with a few centuries of bad behavior. Among the trends that al-Baghddi discusses is one he labels ullya, incarnationists, because these Muslim thinkers understood the Quran to describe Allah incarnating within the body of Adam. They had a workforce which also served as their escort and army. By my analysis, I would suggest this means Adam, as 'man,' began 'life' as a neutron . Black for the signification of the Hebrew term meaning heat hence Black meaning and from Ham descended all the dark complexed races. pre-flood man) (Ref 2). Do you see the conflict there?, The two terms were used interchangeably to describe a very, very dark complexion. 7. Farrakhan misreading the text or imposing on it a Black Muslim reading that is inappropriate for the Biblical context? What is this mysterious ingredient that turns any animal into god? They were eating grass with their mouths like sheep. Genesis 1:1 reads, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth," that is, the cosmos: "The world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system" (Webster). Most people think that when the Arabs of the past described a persons complexion as white, they meant the same light complexion that is meant today. . NOT TO MENTION THEY ALSO SAID SUN-TANNED LIKE SONGS OF SOLOMON 1:6 BECAUSE THE SUN HATH LOOKED UPON ME, MEANING DARK SKINNED. Deacon. According to the Priestly (P) history of the 5th or 6th century bce (Genesis 1:1-2:4), God on the sixth day of Creation created all the living creatures and, "in his own image," man both "male and female." A reddish brown Saudi Arab attended a Masjid in my old neighborhood. Mankind started degenerating, dying, having skin problems, skin sensitivity to sun, some people not having enough melanin to natually protect against the brutal solar rays/heat, and with other people, the melanin in their skin prevented or slowed the process of vitamins (vitamin D, for example) from being produced by the Sun. Please Read: You will find many Arabs who were known to be black-skinned described as both black-skinned and as yellow. My skin is green (black). There three different incidents that happened concerning Adam. Its very important that people bear this in mind. It is not known whether these variations in Neanderthals are dominant or recessive; it is also not known if the Neanderthals had one or two copies of these variations. (3) Neanderthal had a ruddy/rosy complexion. \ruddy\, v. t. to make ruddy. It follows that the complexion of those who occupied the Earth before the flood was various shades of rosy in order to optimize vitamin D production. Mankind did not originate in Africa unless if you hold to the erroneous conclusions of evolutionary secularists. These ailments would not be consistent with the Creators proclamation that the entire creation was very good (Genesis 1:31) in the beginning. Ive seen blue black Indians from India with straight jet black hair. To serve them, the Annuna gods have created an inferior species. which means Allah created Adam from a viscous coherent mud, its never mentioned a black mud. After sin, everything got out of wack and our bodies needed to then rely on other nature- based elements to produce or maintain the needed vitamins. He says that the Arabs call the slaves The Red People. ???? Because he was an African albino. How high of a concentration of melanin did Adam and Eve have in their skin, who knows? 28. ), an american duck (erismatura rubida) having a broad bill and a wedge-shaped tail composed of stiff, sharp feathers. ?????? When they say that a person has a white face, they mean that his complexion is free from blotches and a blackness that is unattractive. STICK TO THE WORD. Then, the darker shades of skin pigment were activated after the flood to accommodate the new ecosystem. \ruddy\, v. t. to make ruddy. Numerous are the inner powers that we ignore. A donation will be greatly appreciated. It is the generic Hebrew term for 'man', probably from Hebrew adama 'earth'. Awlaadberry said: The term adam means black-skinned. The Torah's declaration that Adam is the black body of God in which God's essence resided and that he is therefore God . In Hebrew language, the earth, as in soil is adamah. God bless. He was eventually freed in the modern day where he went on to battle the Wizard's new champion Billy Batson many times. 100 percent !!!!!!1. Adam means human kind. Ignoring that he was brown skinned to start off with which is a mixing of Yellow, black, and ((RED)) mostly likely not even lighter than me just a handsome brown skin(Ruddy Brown) little boy. I don't think so, adam means asmar+/ brown+. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Cush. Gen 2:15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. This is not Adam! They are jet black. How then will you explain the fact the two different people live in the same environment have different skin colours even after several years living in that environment. It really dont take a rocket scientist or to much of deep research to find out King David skin color stood out more than the rest of the Israelites because he was a fairer or more radiant complexion. [r.] w. scott. are all a testament to how great He is. Adam as tselem is therefore the black body (statue) of God on Earth. Romans 1:18-25), is undermined if Adam is merely an archetype . of a color produced by mixing red, yellow, and black, as of dark wood or rich soil: an old brown coat she had warm brown eyes. The prophet David was described in the Old Testament as admonee. No where on planet earth do you see a black person, brown person, yellow person, or mulatto person with such a physical trait. My life according to Tarot. We must remember that there are in excess of 700 shades of skin tone among Africans, and individuals from the same genetic stock may exhibit the various shades of brown skin. White to the Arabs means that a person is pure, without any faults. Thank you from the heart! The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhans nearness to the Fount of Divine Revelation puts him in a privileged position as it relates to understanding scripture. Are we the result of evolution or of creation? But it is a stretch to say that Adams complexion was anywhere close to what your depiction of him hints at. Adam. The Return of Black Adam, where he was voiced by The Mummy 's Arnold Vosloo. It means that all people on earth really are descended from a single source population, which we believe was at Babel. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Rizq which is the 8th Planet in the 19th Galaxy Illyuwn . Based on the actual studies, scientist have continually pushed out the bridge between modern humans and Neanderthals because of the lack of genetic overlay and yet these articles to humanize Neanderthal persist. Thanks for you are doing at Genesis and genetics. Imagination and tradition remember themas the People of the Trolls. That is merely a distortion of the word's original meaning. first of all you was right about the White and In short, the Trollswere not really made for the task. A Hebrew name, Asher means fortunate or blessed. red, a Babylonian word, the generic name for man, having the same meaning in the Hebrew and the Assyrian languages. [compar. Into The Mind Of ChristGuidance To The Straight Path Of Allah, Gods, Divine Worship, Everlasting Peace And Happiness, Language shifts created divisions among Black people, A New Beginning in the Midst of a Chaotic World, KOBE: His Life, Legend and Legacy of Excellence, About Harriett and the Negro Hollywood Road Show, Skepticism greets Jay-Z, NFL talk of inspiring change, The painful problem of Black girls and suicide, Exploitation of Innocence - Report: Perceptions, policies hurting Black girls, Big Ballin: Big ideas fuel a fathers Big Baller Brand and brash business sense, Super Predators: How American Science Created Hillarys Young Black Thugs, Pt. 29. So, in summary, we feel that complexion distribution in the world is not environmentally driven; it is driven by the personal desire of the individuals in the early stages of human migration from Mesopotamia (Babel etc.). As Dr. Andreas Schuele, professor of Biblical Theology at Union Presbyterian Seminary, notes: The cultic image is in fact the medium of manifest divine presence and action in the world and as such part of the divine person. The apocrypha of Enoch is not included and wonderfully written. If Adam was, in fact, rosy, his complexion would display this centerpiece of the creation the blood. Deut 8:3); and 4) Adam, the male individual who was the first human created and from which all mankind originates (e.g. Ibn Athir, the famous scholar of the 12th century says concerning the term adam, When used to describe the complexion of a human, it means very dark-skinnedIt is said that the term comes from the expression the face or surface of the earth which means the color of the earth. Despite this, articles began cropping up saying everything from 3% to 30%!!! Simply put: Adam is the key to understanding Adam and Eve is found in two separate accounts... 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