wonnarua family tree

In my days they had progressed beyond the stage when they used the old stone tool, The tomahawk of the early days was a good deal different from the one in common use now. As James Miller explains in his bookKoori a Will to Win, The land held the key to lifes secrets. It was roasted in the ashes and pounded to a paste between two stones. This was done and Mr. Donelan accompanied me himself to Stroud, while the constables and soldiers went by water to Booral. We have over a billion unique profiles in our tree, and growing. The lads of the tribe were my playfellows. The new-comer announced hls name and business and within a few seconds the whole crowd were jabbering ex-citedly and happily. It was the belief that when the name of the guilty person was called the corpse would start. Our Clan occupied the valleys year-round, visiting the plateaus in spring and summer to gather food. The hair on the heads of the inovices is now singed, for the purpose of making the women believe that Goign has had them in the fire during their sojourn in the bush. [citation needed], The missionary William Ridley adopted the name of Baiame for the Christian God when translating into Gamilaraay (the language of the Kamilaroi). The pieces of burning bark which the sisters of the novices have been obliged to carry, as before stated, are left at the kweealbang. These men were not allowed possession of fire arms. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 25 Apr 1919 Page 3 The Earliest Inhabitants. The Wonnarua Language & Culture Archive is owned and managed by the Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation (WNAC), and it has been created for educational purposes. who fully believed in an after existence, and told me many curious and interesting legends, especially one relating to the stars. Figure 3: Richard Browne (17711824). "We're not dissimilar to other groups, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal. Baime has his arms stretched open protecting the Valley. The illustration above is captioned Natives of New South Wales - Mr Leigh knew them and had them taken from life by a convict. When it became the custom to carry blankets they usually pinned them across their chests with a bone nose-peg. YES, there is a family tree template on Word. The Port Stephens blacks : recollections of William Scott (National Library of Australia) (SCO), The journal of Charles Boydel (State Library of NSW) (CBJ). Fanny implored us to maintain silence about the find, her perturbation being so intense and impressing us so strongly, that we never mentioned the matter afterwards. These two circles connected by the path formed the sacred ground. The principal piece would be about two feet In length and about half-an-inch In diameter, from the front of which would be removed a narrow strip of the outer shell exposing the hardened pith. After performing Divine service in the forenoon, I left Mr. White to do so in the afternoon, and set off at 2, accompanied by Captain Moffatt for Tellighary, where we arrived at little past five, and slept , there there that night. on which a few embers were always burning. *Wonnarua Dreamtime Legend Their creation spirit is Baiami, also known as Koin, the creator of all things and the Keeper of the Valley. A few sheets of bark, leaning on a pole against a tree, served him as shelter through days of sunshine or nights of storm and rain. 101 0 obj <>stream The woman about to be married made a camp and a fire, to which the man was led by his father or any old man of the tribe. . necessity no doubt guided their deft hands, for the art of fashioning their weapons was inherited from countless generations who had to pit their wits against Nature in the battle for survival. The lamentation at the grave and the chopping of heads.and burning of arms was something not easily to be forgotten. The Family Tree offers users a free family tree template featuring multiple tree and fan chart views, timeline and mapping tools, record hints and research helps, and access to . He is always painted in front view; Dharramalan is drawn in profile. The second, which Mr Bennett seemingly refers to under Captain Reynolds, is apparently that expedition which led up to the encounter on Browns Creek, Wallamba, in which the whites were so decidedly worsted, that the locality of the encounter in question yet bears the name of Waterloo. The bull-roarer was attached to about 1.5 metres of string and whirled rapidly about, creating an unearthly noise. Vinnimmbe (1980:Table 3 ) lists an extensive array of plants occurring around Brisbane Water of which a number are known to have been eaten, and indicates their seasonal avail- ability. Nonprofit and free. The natives of each party harangued each other in turns, and then the strange blacks placed their spears against a tree and gave an invitation to join them. A small collection from a cultural giant, discover the objects from China held in the Australian Museum's World Cultural Collection. During the celebration of these rites, a bull-roarer is sounded in the neighbouring forest. On his return into the dock, the reverend interpreter stated, that the constable in charge of the prisoner had just been using him with unnecessary roughness ; upon which the constable (John Proctor) was interrogated from the bench, and he stated that the prisoner made an effort to free himself entirely from his clothes. Suddenly the fearful noises ceased, and all the men rushed out of the ring, and seemed to be engaged in a most fearful fight:.spears and boomerangs flying about in hundreds. Included in the WNAC agreements are health, education, employment and welfare benefits to flow from mining rights grants to Centennial Coal, Ashton Mine, and from Newcastle Coal. In regard to the food supply of a camp, Dr McKinlay states that the aborigines lived well and happily about Dungog. . The Melanesian cultural area is the nearest neighbour of Australian and the museum holds a significant collection of cultural material from Melanesian nations. Tra ditional hunting grounds were depleted, and sacred sites were destroyed. Of course, the poor devils paid very dearly for this as the whites practically massacred the whole lot of them at MacKenzie Cliffs (Kerripit River), in 38. Thus was the culprit found. With equal reverence the [women] looked upon the small wood-pecker hailing his appearance with delight as presaging good fortune while he lingered in the vicinity, busy with his sharp strong bill seeking grubs under the bark of the trees. Take your designs to the next level. Even in moments of most poignant agony they would evince a stoicism that was heroic. The men also decorate themselves in their full regalia. I had been riding over the hills after kangaroos, and at a spot about a mile from where the ceremony previously described took place I saw that a number of blacks were camped at the foot of a hill, the camp being in the form of a half circle, round an oval cleared space some 30 or 40 square feet in area. The mysticism of the event was incomprehensible to them at this point, and complete trust in their guardian was all they had. Som e of them were notched at inter- vals along their whole length, or else carved in fantastic patterns. Climactically the upper tooth was extracted by an elder and the slightest indication of objection or pain resulted in ridicule. The next morning the women proceed again to the kweealbang and light a fire. Company despatched their small body of veterans time-expired soldiers from Carrington to supplement the civilians, but the soldiers never reached the scene of operations, having halted and retired when within 6 miles of the station, fearing an ambush, leaving the decision to the two civilian bodies, who enacted a terrible vengeance. Then two men proceeded to the camp of the females, two or three hundred yards distant, and marched them and the children with their heads prone to the circle, where they were made to lie down and be covered up with boughs, rugs, bark, and whatever was at hand. Check out the What's On calendar of events, workshops and school holiday programs. The body of a man belonging to a strong family and with a big following would doubled up, heels to hips and face to knees, and the arms folded. The Baiame story tells how Baiame came down from the sky to the land and created rivers, mountains, and forests. They always declared that it was far easier to carry the rigid body than one that was limp and flopping. In times of wet weather when long continued rain (Kueywon) made everyone and everything miserable and gloomy, the old men of the tribe would perform a remark- able ceremony to ensure a recurrence of fine weather. They had a clever and simple method of cleaning any fish they caught, and one that 1 have not seen practiced elsewhere. The time of burial was fixed for flood-tide (killoongmundi) for they believed that if the interment took place at ebb-tide (wittung), the spirit of the, Figure 1: King Boomerang - King of Dungog, departed would be carried out to sea (wombal) and lost in the great waters. The rhizome of this fern, probably Blechnum sp. The illustration above is captioned Natives returned from fishing and sub captioned Drawn by Mr R. Browne No. A few days later an Invitation [was extended] to me to witness the great finishing ceremony. Sir By the directions of T. Cook, Esq., our Supt of Police, and in explanation of that part of your letter to him dated the 30th July, relative to the aboriginal black named in the margin [Jemmy], I do myself the honor to inform you that the said black native was tried at this court on 29th January last, and found guilty of an assault and robbery, and committed to take his trial before the Supreme Court. When Europeans settled in the Gloucester-Manning area in the 1820s and 1830s, the Aboriginal people lost their homelands to logging, clearing and livestock. The novices are also forbidden to eat certain kinds of food until relieved from this restriction by the old men. The fish after being cleaned appeared as though, it had just come out of the water. Another fear was always paramount in their minds, one that could be readily traced back to its genesis,and that was dread of at tack by other tribes. The other method of securing fish was by spearing them. About the early part of the year 1835, when the Rawden Bros, held all the country from Cobakh (Cobark) to Berrico, under the management of the late L. McKenzie, the whole run was then known as Kerripit (kangaroo rat), taking the name from the mountain at Rawdon Vale. We help make that possible with the FamilySearch Family Tree, the world's largest online family treehome to information about more than 1.2 billion ancestors. The end piece, comprising the barb, or pointed tip, was affixed to the main shaft very skilfully, con- sidering that the hole for its recep- tion had to be bored with a piece of hard-wood, twirled between the hands, the best substitute for an auger procurable. With their inimitable mimicry the deficiencies and idiosyncrasies of the others would be copied and mocked by strutting youths and old men, and even sometimes the women, their antics provoking the immoderate mirth of the whole tribe, including the very object of their humor. They had their little spots over deep water (and the. Even your best guess will do. all one afternoon, until stopped by the manager of the station and his men, but while the manager was persuading the. There was also a fear of certain localities for no given reason; there was the disincli- nation to do certain things at certain times; there was the strange refusal to speak of, or mention the name of one that had passed away. We children were out for a walk with our faithful servant Fanny, when I, noticing a big mangrove tree on the edge of the bay, I climbed to its top-most branches. Lettris The poisoning of Aboriginal people was known as the Harmony because in this way peace was supposed to be achieved. In the early days of the settlement they had not come into very close contact with civilisation and he speaks of them as refusing to eat bread when it was offered to them. This proved to be the case. An assigned man was splitting timber near the head of Tin Creek, when four blacks came along and watched him at work for some time. Finally the initiates were sent out into the bush, to prove their capabilities as hunters and men. If it chanced the long white worms commonly found in bush animals, these would be swallowed with with rare gusto as the greatest delicacy of all. The spot where the fire had seen being now cool, the embers and ashes were levelled and boughs were brought and disposed of in the middle of the circle. One of the men goes into the ring, swinging his bull-roarer, and the other walks along one side near the women. The Wonnarua people's traditional lands are located in the Hunter Valley area of New South Wales. to retire to the river he did not notice that a badly wounded man was left on the field, until he saw a Wallamba man rush out of the scrub and kill him with a nullah. When asked by the manager why he did such a thing the Wallamba man said, I finis him, and ran off again and thus ended the battle of Gloucester, which after all appears to have been a battle of words and much abuse, and not much else. Then the mothers go back to their own quarters, and the novices are taken by their guardians a short distance away, where they make a camp. The shepherds were very scared as was very natural, and came to beg that I should double the flocks so that two of the men might always be together. Ganghat became anathema to the tribe a valley of death. ) ?B6=! He then gave the people their laws of life, traditions, songs, and culture. 4.- To sexual intercourse with the whites at a very tender age, excessive venery, syphilis, and intemperance ; the diminution in births is most remarkable 11.- There are three half-caste children and one grown up girl in this district ; the children life with, and after the manner of the aborigines ; the girl referred to resides with a family in the neighbourhood, and is very tractable. Kneeling in the middle of his canoe, the mariner would dip deeply on one side and then half turn and dip on the other side. At various times they were ordered to assume uncomfortable positions and to remain so until the sun crossed the sky. They are generally listed as clan of the Worrimi people, though the Wonnarua Strategic Plan lists the Gringai of Gresford as Wonnarua. The Earliest Inhabitants - Aboriginal Tribes of the District. . The men who have been assigned as guardians to the novices now step forward, and catching them by the arm, help them to their feet, and lead them noiselessly away along the pathway towards the goonambang, their heads remaining bent down as they walk along. Baime also created Kawal (Ka-wal), to watch over the Wonnarua people. By scratches on the bark and other signs not comprehensible to a white person, they would select the forest giant in which the little animal had made his home. (Vinnicombe 1980: VI 4), was also eaten at Lake Macquarie (Threlkeld in Gunson 1974:55) and in the Dungog area (Ebsworth 1826:71), where it was called Bungwall. When the last spark of the fire had been extinguished and the last wreath of smoke had eddied into nothingness, the women were uncovered and the Port Stephens blacks, accompanied by the poombits, ran up the nearby trees like so many monkeys and began breaking small branches off the limbs. Choose the design that fits your site. Then maddened with fear under the gunfire they broke hither and thither in vain attempts to escape. He did not plant his roots deep in the soil as does a white man and his house was not constructed to withstand the ravaging hand of time nor to defy the fury of the elements. The Wonnarua people's traditional lands are located in the Hunter Valley area of New South Wales. As previously stated, it was the function of selected women special- ly dedicated to the fishing ; to pre. Their traditional territory spreads from the Upper Hunter River, near Maitland west to the Great Dividing Range, towards Wollombi. You have reached the end of the page. But there were ceremonies in the bush, wherefrom the women were rigidly excluded. Always my requests to be informed what they contained or what they meant were met with blank refusals. In a new document, Filling A Void, the heritage office says there is no record of the word Guringai or any of its derivatives, including Ku-ring-gai, in any of the early accounts of the colony after white settlement and no hint that the Aborigines of the northern beaches or any other part of Sydney had ever heard the word. |Last modifications, Copyright 2000-2022 sensagent Corporation: Online Encyclopedia, Thesaurus, Dictionary definitions and more. After the novices have been shown the goonambang, and all the marked trees around it, they are next taken away by their guardians and the old men, several miles into the bush, to a camp called keelaybang (urinating place). The Grengai tribe were possessed of a wonderful marriage law, which prevented relations from marrying, and this law extends to Queensland. There were about sixteen [men] squatting or standing around; amongst them the father, mother, and several of the brothers of the deceased. The fish spear (tutti) was .made In three distinct parts. This was the Gringai tribe, a sub-branch of numerous native people that once inhabited the lower portions of the Hunter and Karuah river valleys. At Dungog a figure of sixty per cent is given. It was marvellous how swiftly the blacks could climb by means of these tiny notches literally swarming up the smooth tall trunk. or wattles as the blacks at Port Stephens called them, wer e very neatly fashioned and per- fectly balanced. On 7th August [1830], Mr. Field, the constable, returned and informed me that he had succeeded in coming up with the tribe of blacks who had speared Delaney and killed the sheep. If it is intended to erect the camp only a little way off, the pole is short; but if the new camp is some distance away, the pole is long. In travelling from place to place a fire-stick was always carried, the brand being whirled and twisted so that it would not go out. Gordon Bennett (reprinted 1964) p11-12. Anagrams Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954). When quite young, a ligature was tied about the first joint of her little finger very tightly, and being left there for a considerable time, the top portion mortified and, in time, fell off. At Port Stephens, where the tribe numbered in the vicinity of a hundred persons, men, women and children, two totems did duty for the community. Find out more, an offensive content(racist, pornographic, injurious, etc. They then throw down the boughs, and go away back to their comrades, who have remained at the place where they painted themselves, and all of them now approach the goonambang, lightly tapping their boomerangs together as they walk along, and on arriving at the ring they form a circle round it. With a woomterah to aid the cast, the y could hit a mark at almost every throw up to a distance of 50 to 75 yards. The added leverage launch-* ed the lance with Incredible swift- ness. The novices are conducted along the pathway to the goonambang, and are placed sitting down on a couch of small bushes and, Figure 10: Bull-roarers. leaves which have been prepared for them, between the fire and the embankment bounding the ring, their guardians sitting down behind them in such a way that each boy may be said to be sitting in a mans lap. In Australian Aboriginal mythology, Baiame (or Biame, Baayami, Baayama or Byamee) was the creator god and sky father[1] in the Dreaming of several Aboriginal Australian peoples of south-eastern Australia, such as the Wonnarua, Kamilaroi, Guringay, Eora, Darkinjung, and Wiradjuri peoples. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 18 Mar 1927 Page 5 Early Days Of Port Stephens. Coola-benn, Native Chief of Ashe Island, Hunters RIver. The coffin was lifted upon the shoulders. Nothing would be said to the women about these proceedings until the time arrived for making a start for the place of meeting. The strangling net was then unwound, and if the victim was not already dead he would be a ghost inside twenty-four hours. The Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation was established in 1999 and represents the Wonnarua people. A vivid chapter in the earliest history of Glen William deals with the wiping out of a tribe of blacks, and Black Camp of to-day doubtless takes its name from it. After this visit of the keerang the novices are allowed greater liberty, being permitted to sit up straight in the camp, and occasionally to stand. The shout then set up by all was deafening. With these birds and animals,usually well trained, they would amuse themselves for hours, indulging in fits of mirth at the antics and feats of their pets. It was here intimated to the Court, that the prisoner wished to retire for a short time, and he was therefore directed to be removed in charge of a constable. Whirling the stick with amazing speed its hardened point would emerge from the pith, spilling a fiery dust that dropped on a little heap of soft, fine bark placed to catch it. Some cattle were speared and the rest driven through the wild brushes at the head of the Myall, almost to the foreshores of Port Stephens. Two days prior to this, while in the Jerrys Plains area, Cunningham had noted Exocarpus [Native Cherry] and Sterculia heterophyllus [Kurrajong - NSW Herbarium] appearing in every part of the Forest. They, too, were buried at Violet Hill. provided seeds suitable for grinding and baking into seed cakes (McBryde 1976:65), as may the kind of oat-grass seen by Cunningham (Joumal 7/5/1823 ) in the upper Goulburn Valley. Hall, that there was great reason to apprehend that the blacks had murdered Henderson at Worrawong, our distant cattle station. The Blacks also roast the roots and make them into a sort of cake, which they eat cold. Their attitude towards visiting blacks was also worthy of note. It is popularly known as the Baiame Cave and is part of a series of rock shelters on an area of 80 hectares. The fish always travelled from west to east, and close inshore, on the northern side of the harbor, usually making their appearance off Carrington about the time of wo-kercoopa, or high-water. . After these singular appetisers, the chief would throw the carcase on the fire and leave the game to cook. The settlers from the Williams River side came across to the head of the Gloucester driving the blacks before them while the settlers on this side drove all the blacks up the river and at last cornered them on the small flat above McKenzies cliffs where they shot men women and children without mercy or consideration. ), http://www.ausanthrop.net/resources/ausanthrop_db/detail.php?id_search=584, "A salvage grammar and wordlist of the language from the Hunter River and Lake Macquarie", http://www.wonnarua.org.au/images/HRLM%20part%201.pdf, http://www.newcastle.edu.au/Resources/Divisions/Academic/Library/Cultural%20Collections/pdf/miller1886.pdf, http://archives.samuseum.sa.gov.au/tindaletribes/wonnarua.htm, "Aboriginal associations with the park area", http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/NationalParks/parkHeritage.aspx?id=N0002, http://www.wonnarua.org.au/images/WNAC%20Strategic%20Plan.pdf, http://www.visitdungog.com.au/areahistory.php, https://sites.google.com/site/amcatmuseum/maitland-history, http://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/discover_collections/people_places/caergwrle/index.html, http://www.tocal.com/homestead/history/overview.htm, Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation website, Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation Strategic Plan 20092012, http://www.samuseum.sa.gov.au/page/default.asp?site=2&page=TIN_Tribal&level=3&code=4&item=E5, "Selected bibliography of material on the Wonnarua / Wanaruah language and people held in the AIATSIS Library", http://www.aiatsis.gov.au/library/docs/langbibs/Wonnarua_May08.pdf, http://www.wonnarua.org.au/images/about%20the%20wonnarua%202.pdf, List of Indigenous Australian group names, http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wonnarua&oldid=494492741. 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