need contingency attorney for inheritance theft

My 2 sisters are in the States. i need help on were do i start. A Decrease font size. I was able, eventually, to get control of the estate. These ladies got her to agree to pay $800.00 a month, living expenses, tried to get her to sell her mobile home, pull up her deck and fence to make the one womans house decked, fenced, and handicapped assessable so she could move in with her and keep her dogs. I have absolutely NO idea what to do or where to start?!!!? In case of the worst and she is disabled or passes away, we dont want me to lose money on probate or any other thing, I will need the money. My father died going on 10 years ago. He has a will with various things going to me, my brother and my mother. I am traumatized and wanting Justice for my father. Or all my ex,s state goes to my son . Rather than focus on the bonds between each other, heirs are sometimes more focused on what they can do to increase their piece of the estate pie. She had no right to keep, give away or sell his property. If the case . Who do I call? How can we assist him because they dont want him to come close to because he can get the correct information, hello, Im in need of attorney n Louisiana to assist me n my daughter as her grandmother has changed properties lied n change things after the 21 year accrual. Good luck. I never seen a penny. I need a lawyer big time .they pay off any lawyer i try to get!#, Folksthis is rampant. The parent lives in a foreign country, where only one sibling resides. Inheritance Theft - Texas Will Contest Lawyer (800) 323-1857. The nun took full advantage of a family that was having to deal with multiple family members with cancer and illnesses and having a difficult time. For each of these documents, you will need to consult a well-vetted estate attorney (see below for tips on finding an estate attorney) to make sure your wishes are legally binding. She got angry and stole a cd in my name, and then when she passed her son lied and tried to take my inhertance and credit union thru in interpleader i n court. Im having trouble with this and I thought I could have done this myself. Please let me know what we can do. This is a very difficult situation, since it can be both expensive to fight an inheritance thief in the courts and difficult to prove that your inheritance has been hijacked. My father past away June 27, 20 and I am his first born daughter. Paper work like deeds , quick claimed etc all contain the wrong names in the wrong places. My father died around 2019, my dad told my mom when he was alive that he has a will and I am in it, my dad is Singaporean and Im a Filipino and we live in Philippines. I was told the ex wife moved in the house estate insurance says is 570,000. Tapes galore where sister admits crimes, dirty local PD who have refused seven times of taking any reports. What State are you in every state has different laws & judges & attornys who I am finding to be very corrupt Guardians are a t error, I have a sister who while my mom was alive sold the house that my sister and I was supposed to get to her son. The standard contingency fee for an attorney is a percentage amount rather than a fixed amount. My brother and sister only would tease me make jokes and would do many bad things to make me feel useless. and take my mother to a attorney and to sign power of attorney to ( steal ) everything from her siblings. My grandmother left a will and my father is the trustee. Unless my husband and his brother show interest before he passes, this makes no sense. EMAIL N I RESPOND IMMEDIATELY. Taylor You can Learn more about protecting both your family and your finances when you sign up for the Extra Mile newsletter. OF course she refused and now she has everything he ever bought, earned or worked for and she never contributed a penny to, all for her own son (who my father in law stated in the trust was to get nothing of the estate, not one penny)while his own sons who worked beside him for years in his business get nothing. I was hurt in CA in 2003. now they never talk to me ever hardly! thank u, My spouse keeps asking me say every 6 months how much of my inheritance l have left ln my safe ? her mother died in Santa Clara county shes in ventura county where should she begin to find out if hes still her trustee her uncle said he wasnt anymore her trustee a couple of years shes not in contact with him and now her taxes have shown up and are due she doesnt even know whats on the deed to her condo that he had bought for her even though he totally just tricked her into moving into the place its been 9 yrs since moving in. Now the older stepbrother came into the picture and had her dad change the will and making him the executive and owner of the house. Oklahoma does not provide legal representation for disabled people at all,for 13; yrs Ive been trying to get legal help to no prevail. Creating a trust for your assets can be an excellent way to make sure that money is available for beneficiaries unable to handle money on their ownsuch as minor children. I dont feel that I have the true story at all. A forensic accountant, Ive been told, is what I need to locate any accounts associated with both of those great men who were in my life. Ive been searching days for this scenario. i fear that my uncle is up to something. I love my brother & sister Still! To be divided equally between(4) heirs. She revoked and now, we get nothing. I know by law in Texas when my mother passed all assets became 2//3rds me and my sisters. Are you concerned about your own well-being as you get older? They need the flow of paying clients to cover office costs and other expenses. So she has two of the rooms, hers has a bathroom. I fear that neither nor will be given to her but she has cared for him for seven years do I go after and pursue payment for caretaking for 7 years because its obvious if theyre already over there taking the washer and dryer my mother will probably never see the money or the vehicle what do I do please any advice would be more than appreciated it just makes me sick to think all that my mother has done and wanted nothing other than what he had promised but now makes me not only want to go after that but the seven years my mother has given taken care of what I thought of as a dad and not to mention my mother is not a well person and has COPD fan of bacteria in her lungs but still put herself aside to care for the man she has cared and loved for 20 years for them to come the second day after passing Im take the washer and dryer and tell her she had two weeks to get out please help!!! Fantastic article, I have bookmarked this excellent website and may learn more later. You certainly come with exceptional writings. So I couldnt find my gramps the last 2 months of his life because my uncle was hiding him or something. Its easy to look at estate planning as a one-and-done process, and many attorneys view it that way, as well. He died in Feb and she was the lone trustee of the trust. They were even giving her personal possessions to those people with the home so she would have no where to live when she was released from hospital, even telling her its a care provider that she had no job to come home to. before she passed . (770) 833-7554. Im going through very tough times and they keep bringing it up but only giving me half truths. What can I do and how long do I have, My Aunt had my 94 year old Grandmother with Alzheimers residing in A Memory Care center in Az remove my Brother and I from her Trust after 21 years then created a new one leaving everything to herself and cousin. I never saw the will. When her grandparents passed away, her father and uncle assumed the rolls of the grand parents. So your brother is the trustee and also a beneficiary I would imagine. Contingency fees usually are structured on a percentage basis, with the lawyer receiving perhaps 25-40 percent of the value of the assets collected as specified in the fee agreement. Any help is so appreciated please, thank you . Gotta be a lifetime movie on this ridiculousness!!! My aunt handled the selling of the house and putting the money in the "trust account" then it was divided to the grandkids, about 40k each. I am so sick over it and the pain it has caused them both. Should we hire an estate planner who can suggest us to get the assets or the information? Whether you are planning your own estate or you are fighting for your inheritance, you may feel overwhelmed when trying to find the right estate attorney for your needs. I have a VERY wealthy elderly aunt in another state. I cant tell you how many times Ive heard that Dads watch or Moms engagement ring has simply gone missing after the funeral., But Ross has seen much greater inheritance theft occur. She eventually hurt herself and had to move into the nursing home. Gpa. He is selling the house and i told him he couldnt, he told me i thought i was getting nothing but its all mine and there is nothing you can do, im so upset. I moved her in my home, and moved her mobile home to my land. Inheritance law! My inheritance is being sold under my feet by my nephew , waterfront land worth 450k what can I do it was 1/4 mine and my brother gave it to his son and my Parents are still alive, i just need help how dose this probate stuff even work, I am in need of a lwyer5to help me with my father and mothers home. . Nieces police officers husband its none of my business and get on with your life. Its a HUGE human failing & people will sacrifice their children, siblings, other relationships/whole family dynamics forever and everto catch their brass ring, even if its only a couple thousand or a few $10,000snds of dollars (which, BTWwill be gone in months or a year or two, no matter). When a trust is involved, Rind also cautions beleaguered heirs that trusts can cause increased financial headaches, because the trust itself is a separate person and might need its own attorney. If necessary, a claim can be filed in the Probate Court to force the executor of the will to make the distributions that the will requires i.e., to get you your inheritance. Jan 20 2022 executor sent me a copy. the doctor said our mother will have to go to a nursing home. Cant give to charity. Uncle spread lies about my family to caregiver and dad saying we were greedy. Just a costly legal battle to appeal or charge the man who wrote the trust with malpractice. Im afraid something has already been done with my dads will. In the time that my brother had the bank card he purchased an entire heating and cooling system inside and out for his house and withdrew at least twice a week 800.00 each time for right at 30 days. In an estate related contingency fee arrangement, the attorney agrees to accept a fixed percentage (often 40%) of the total recovery. I do not know if another trust was established or another business for my benefit was created. Adopted my 2nd time in 2 states & right before my 76 yr old bedridden dad passed on Sept.01,1990 he showed me his will where it read that he leaves everything to the eldest son which is me & for 16 yrs mom did not change her will till in 2006 when mom was 86 yrs old my niece and her cop husband moved mom off her estate of 61 yrs to their house which me and my 2 little sisters didnt have there address until mom passed 2 yrs later when nieces husband called me to tell me that my mom had passed away & then he provided me with his address only 2 find out in that 2 years they had mom hid from us kids that they brought in a new lawyer not our family attorney and had mom sign a trust making my 2 nieces the only 2 beneficiaries and dis inherited us 3 adopted kids of being with this family over 34 yrs. Here, the trustee or beneficiary you name in your estate plan will divert some of the funds in your estate into personal accounts. I know my father and he was private with his money. I am a very close friend to a heir theft. I had no idea that such narcissistic evil people existed until my dealings with this professional fiduciary. If so, what are the statute of limitations on that law?? but that was years ago and I still dont get no answer, mostly ignored!!! Robert Melvin Attorney at Law strives to make Tacoma, WA legal defense affordable. My brother is now baptized, and has not drinker in almost 3years. My dad was done an incredible mis service by his attorney when he wrote up his will by not informing him of something known a elective share. Lawyers Serving Buffalo, NY.Make sure you speak with the attorney about any questions you have. My grandmother has been withdrawing money for months and had my uncle hold the money until her passing. Lifes savings meant for generations. Then, she wanted me to get married and start a family. I believe it was a account in Microsoft left by my father I made a police report and also had my identity flagged at the irs . Stolen by lazy greedy demon. The sister of her father decided to forge documents and have him cremated and his belongings sold or given away. please if you have any suggestions it is much appreciated. What do they have about laws with unknown children of passed on family.. who all of a sudden appear upon a death in the family after they said they had no children? I need a good beneficiary attorney in the Cola.,SC area asap. The legal fees get paid out of the trusts assets, so you could wind up spending the money you are fighting over.. All flowers were donated from people. Are the attorneys liable for my mother not giving me my inheritance? You should always consult a professional. I cant afford a paid Atty. Yo live on. I dont have this kind of money! Im afraid that if my sibling really stole if that she will try to contest the new one. Microsoft has to give you that money it was there fault for going for the She is entering Hospice. I am not sure if there wasa will but I know my dad would have wanted us to have moneyI am not sure if she got all his savings for his kids. For info on all this, go to the CA State Board of Equalization at The more you know, the better off youll be when the situation arises that requires this kind of know-how! What to do? It just simply costs too much. The business partners had discovered this in the accountings but had not said anything to me. Here is where things get difficult. She flew him to Oregon and then she pretty much made arrangements for his celebration of life and told my grandson it was $10,000 dollars. She stated that he had a few things lime a picture of my kids abd a few papers bit nothing of value. She threw out my practically new Christmas tree. I live on the other side of the country so I havent been able to see him, especially since Covid, but now he is acting very distant with me. I signed something when I was 17 and in shock from the grief. The sell didnt happen because professor heir got mad @ girlfriend who wanted a piece of the pie. I want to avoid the issues seen in this blog. Im an only child and only grandchild. Aunt Thief refused and was upset that she told everyone in the family about the money. Ive got a case as the youngest of three siblings that cover five types of law, 8 dead and four million (minumum) missing. Really? My stepmother forged my dads signature on multiple trusts. Im going to file agin for excutor and go back to la and ask due to edviedence of step brother confessingn why he lied was he wouldnt of been able to get my inhertance if he can be prosicuted, or moneys frozen. I have my late brother s son accused my to have stolen his inheritance from his father. I believe she had the duty to inform authorities he had children. Inheritance theft not worth fighting. My sister has confused my 87 year old mother, who just died, and convinced my Mom to change her Will and remove me from her Will. They went on all kinds of excursions and hunting trips. My dad was a doctor and his so called family in another state cremated him when we have paperwork that he paid for his own casket and left money for us to give him a proper burial. How do i get back my grandmothers estate back from the family. My problem comes where his siblings want sole ownership of what rightfully belongs to his wife and children. Aside from making financial decisions on a persons behalf, they can help rewrite the will too. Sometimes maybe a bill. Inheritance theft is a huge problem because it is so widespread. With some letter appearing have nowhere since 2003 and nobody being informed of changes. I agree just as Steven said also. at the farm house that also belonged to mom and dad. With this service, your lawyer will let you know of any changes in the law or estate planning practices. He is a CPA and does audits for churches to see if they can build on.His dad was real bad with cancer 2 years before he died.When his dad died he wrote me a check for 20,000. and told me that was all we had.there was suppose to be money for me to pay off the house and car.I think he bought a business from Henry Wood in Minnesota doing audits .I need help to at least pay the house and car off.I get ss 1680.00 I barely get by.He should not have done that. I have been fighting for 2 1/2 years now, to try to find an attorney to take my case on a contingency basis, but no luck! She has also claimed not to have any knowledge of items that later were produced after her being pressured, others she claims she never found. One was given what we had in the bank after we both passed. I moved home to MS. He even filed an affidavit of fault. My gma is still alive she has a will. It is really important how you mentioned that you should appoint many people as executors, trustees, and powers of attorney as a safeguard. We would check on her regularly and take her food and groceries and anything she needed or asked for. We were so close i know her wishes have not been fulfiled and the solicitor obviously didnt advise her properly when she was making her will as any decent solicitor would have told her that everything went to her husband when she passed so she could of made a different will. GO TO THE COURT AND ASK FOR GUARDIANSHIP/CANT TAKE CARE OF NEEDS AND ASSEST DO TO PHYSICAL CONDITION HAVE THE DOCTOR WRITE YOU A NOTE OF INCOMPETENCE. a month for 30 years and to give monetary gifts ( value set by me ) to 3 of their friends. Truth is, if a corrupt executor/power of attorney/trustee/personal representative hires a corrupt elder law attorney, they can legally squeeze every last cent out of the intended inheritance and get away with leaving nothing for anyone else. I dont know what she planned to do with this, the situation is now unfolding, but I have to confront her in front of my family and expose her dishonesty before the house is sold and we settle up with her share of the home. Alice Were sorry to hear of your situation. I dont understand why she keep his death from me and my brothers, Then she had him creamaty something he would of never wanted. Oh yes I forgot to mention at the beginning of this she would harass me leaving dead birds in my parking spot and brought back a box of nails and rusted fishing poles from what she took. Concerned about your own well-being as you get older, quick claimed etc all contain the wrong in... Was 17 and in shock from the family about the money until passing. 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