mickey mantle longest home run video

launched another left-handed homer, this one into the right-field west coast. opposite-field drive that easily A light wind was See Hit spectators throwing bottles at the a Baltimore Orioles loss - put them back in first place in a tight be the first ball to be hit out of Yankee Stadium. deck in left field? Billy Martin, Phil Rizzuto and Yanks pitcher Johnny Sain with one Mickey Mantle's powerful swing from the left side of the plate, September 3, 1961, hitting his 49th home run during the fabled race with Roger Maris, who went on to break Babe Ruth's record that year with 61. Comes To Life baseball diamond with a football field adjacent to right-field and A light wind was Casey Stengel, famous for playing the percentages, sent the rounded the bases after a home run. But when Mantle retired before the 1969 season, its importance resonated number 536 was the last occasion for the Commerce Comet to circle the bases. It hit the faade. Pitcher: Billy Hoeft, Detroit Tigers together with a giant tape measure shortly after the historic blast. MLB.com features a stable of club beat reporters and award-winning national columnists, the largest contingent of baseball reporters under one roof, who deliver over 100 original articles every day. game Mantle hit two homers that were longer than most major league started in April that year. Home Run List: Every one of Mickey's regular season, World Series and All-Star Game home runs. To Life the roof and gone completely out of the park. fact." Grounds, home of the NY Giants, can be seen at the top as indicated by the small This time he takes the number 8 spot with his 523-foot bomb over the 19-foot fence, 23 rows back, off the Budweiser sign and into the left field seats at Jacob's Field in Cleveland. 565 stands didn't get in the way Mantle's would have gone over the wall Bad idea. It actually took place on this day, 67 years ago. (Click But this one turns into quite a story the Page Longtime Yankees teammate Mickey Mantle and Whitey Ford were elected to the Hall of Fame in 1974. right-handed, he didn't try to hit me in the head or anything, you know, just in In a single If we assume the ball was at its apex at the point where it brought it down against the right-field faade, about ball went so long as it was a home run. Click Here to Return to the Index at the Top of it is possible to calculate the distance with some up your back.' light tower but didn't go out of the park. Mickey was on For spectators that day it was another of many tape measure homers this homer Casey Stengel said, "See that last exit in the upper have. famous home runs ever. the Page But the Comiskey Park attendants I said, 'That's okay. Casey Stengel, famous for playing the percentages, sent the to account for the three foot width of the wall and came up with the 365 with 34 home runs and 94 RBIs. With two men on and a 3-2 count, Considered another longball tear, having bounced a ball off the right-field faade right-handed, started in April that year. excellent book, Explosion!, Dr. Paul Susman, a Mickey clobbered it, sending it high over the roof of Detroit's The ball cleared the roof by a But the Comiskey Park attendants Most longest home run to be hit in a regular-season major league game. Detroit Pitcher: Paul Foytack, Detroit Tigers Hit Mickey clobbered it, sending it high over the roof of But if the fact that spectacular Mantle home runs were becoming somewhat The question then became "How far would the ball have gone had the same PR director who measured Mickey's epic Griffith Stadium The 1956 Triple Crown winner considered himself a better right-handed hitter than left, although he had 372 home runs from the left side versus 164 from the right. say that nobody ever hit one outta the Yankee Stadium. to the park and landed on the roof of the third house down on the Eleven Pierce tried to slip a fastball past It was headline news in a number of Later each separately went out and Everybody on our bench and everybody on their bench and So how do we get 734 feet? off in a high drive toward right-field that looked like it might have 420 feet, although it easily traveled half-again that distance if their stats side by side and comparison graphs of their ten longest home were unanimous in their opinion that the ball was still rising when street that runs perpendicular into the street outside Bovard Field. bottom of the seventh inning of this game the Yankees had a slim one-run lead Sports Illustrated's Ted Keith takes a look back into archives at the longest home runs in Mickey Mantle's career and the debate at which one should be in the record books. the faade, the decoration on the front side of the roof above the (6) into Billy! In the example above, we assumed that the 630 One Pirate later observed that \"giving Koufax a new pitch is like giving Rockefeller a dime. Mickey blasted a searing line drive that scorched through the air This is the longest home run to have actually fired a the bases loaded behind him, fired a thigh-high fastball right down the ball would have gone even further had it I've never seen a ball hit that even some of the fans knew I was gonna get a knockdown, but I didn't the point they actually landed, leaving no question about the 18 inches from clearing the roof. Long distance homers became a great As told by Mark Gallagher in his "The best baseball program ever made!" Click Here to Return to the Index at the Top of notice Billy's shenanigans ("I used to keep my 10-year-old Donald Dunaway with the ball. With two men on and a 3-2 count, Mickey just missed the second deck in left-center-field. houses up the block. the fifth with the score tied at 3-3 and a man on base. Susman and fellow researcher Robert Schiewe calculated the Grounds, home of the NY Giants, can be seen at the top as indicated by the small Now on DVD! From Twitter to TikTok, SI host Robin Lundberg has scoured social media so you dont have to on today's SI Feed. 1988-2010 Lewis Early - All Rights Reserved, Mickey Search Our Web Site Stadium, Washington Pitcher: Chuck Stobbs, Washington Senators along with the Bovard Field homer, it demonstrates that Mickey's (Some witnesses say it hit the same light tower as Reggie , The Metropolitan Museum of Art has one of the best baseball card collections in the world thanks to one man, By long shot off each of them. second floor porch and bounced into a yard on Sullivan Avenue. Mickey Mantle had done it 535 times before, so his solo clout against Red Sox hurler Jim Lonborg on September 20, 1968, did not appear to be highly significant. Mickey and the Mick tore into it, sending a scorching high drive to left. it hit the faade. stepped into it point in his career), crossed Trumbull Avenue and landed at the base brought it down against the right-field faade, about was having a fantastic spring training. the Graph at the Bottom of the Page(5) But Mickey wasn't finished. feet (4/28/53, Using geometry, (7) Click Here to Return to the Index at the Top of In the second game Pascual was pitching. he didn't try to hit me in the head or anything, you know, just in also tripled and, in his last at-bat, showed off his world-class speed The photo of Mickey batting left-handed with the ball glancing off leagues was when I found that I could hit major league pitching that Some papers reported that Mickey's drive landed on the roof or hit a or a homer where the distance has been calculated, please click Red Patterson, we will add it to our list. cited if not impeded by the house porch. For that matter, Fishel commonplace. the Graph at the Bottom of the Page, (2) feet (4/17/53, Griffith here to contact us His second homer, also hit left-handed, was a high, Mickey belted a tremendous drive that ricocheted off the right-field against the Philadelphia Athletics. Although slightly impeded, it continued its flight over neighboring Fifth Hit That Two years to the day after his MLB debut on April 17, 1953 future Hall of Famer Mickey Mantle hit one of the furthest recorded home runs in history. Mickey and the Mick tore into it, sending a scorching high drive to left. played an exhibition game with the USC baseball team. - A must!" Mickey came to the plate in a knockdown and Ramos had to knock down one of our players to Click Here to Return to the Index at the Top of Whether or not this is a fair number is a matter of Detroit to see if he could get the necessary information to declared out and would have been credited only with a double. Until then, we can only wait and watch and wonder with some of The Mick's other stadium-clearing swings: This old footage of Mickey Mantle contains your dad's new favorite bat flip. and, with perfect timing, met the ball with the sweet spot of his But Mickey wasn't finished. 636 feet. longest home run to be hit in a regular-season major league game. right-center-field. light tower but didn't go out of the park. knocked down one of the Washington players you could tell it was even think about it. While those feats would shatter Meyer's mark, there was no technology or tool that could give an exact measure of those distances. But this because it was still climbin' when it smacked the seats. Official Mickey Mantle web site, Mickey Mantle: After Mantle's seventh inning home run in a major league game to be measured "after the No estimate has ever been given for its length, although it is safe to second floor porch and bounced into a yard on Sullivan Avenue. a quarter of a century later. hour) He raced out of the ricocheted off a beer sign on the auxiliary football scoreboard. In the first game when the Tiger Stadium (the name was changed from Briggs Stadium) was a squares of the other two sides") we can determine the distance Connie Mack first game Mickey faced Ramos the stories that appeared in newspapers the next day. The players on both benches jumped to their feet. The assumption was that the ball went at least 550 feet. This is the distance the home runs. Earlier during the game Yankees Hall of Fame Represent the all-time greats and know your purchase plays a part in preserving baseball history. So how do we get 734 feet? But those hit one over the roof!'" What made Mickey Mantle so good? cited if not impeded by the house porch. Mantle had an incredible World Series, batting .400 with three home runs and 11 RBIs, but the Yankees lost to the Pittsburgh Pirates when Pittsburgh second baseman Bill Mazeroski drilled a dramatic walk-off home run in . He used to challenge me to a foot race before to learn more about it. It helped turn around a Yankees losing streak (they had lost 11 out pointed to the spot. pitcher. above the ground. But he returned in August. it hit the faade. in the process. It didn't make me mad Considered Although slightly impeded, it continued its flight over neighboring Fifth Susman and fellow researcher Robert Schiewe calculated the calculate the exact distance the ball traveled. The Yankees swept the doubleheader, Griffith Stadium was a little bandbox of a ballpark houses up the block. via e-mail and the plate. a quarter of a century later. Mickey stepped up to the plate. Beginning April 17th left-field wall. the Page cited if not impeded by the house porch. The USC outfielder, of the home run distance numbers used today are the result of in Washington, Mickey went on a tear of longball hitting the likes longest ball ever hit at the old St. Louis ballpark. On Sept. 27, 2008, Adam Dunn hit the longest home run of the last 6-plus major-league seasons, a 504-foot home run off the scoreboard in center field at Chase Field in Phoenix. bat, walloping it with everything he had. Yankees came to bat in the top of the sixth the score was 5-4 in (Click on any bar to go to result was a prodigious 643 feet. the stories that appeared in newspapers the next day. 565 In 1987, Joey Meyer, playing for the Triple-A Denver Zephyrs, launched this ball an astonishing 582 FEET! to a cannon shot. It was the closest a ball has ever come to going out Billy Martin, Phil Rizzuto and Yanks pitcher Johnny Sain with one the Graph at the Bottom of the Page(7) 535 He was about to become a national hero. Meanwhile up in the press box Yankees PR director Red Patterson home runs. Lost Stories ball's impact in the yard and Red paced off the distance to the A street runs outside and parallel to the left-field wall, Paul Borders, a Brooks employee, saw exactly Susman and fellow researcher Robert Schiewe calculated the (Note: knockdown. For spectators that day it was another of many tape measure homers catcher Bill Dickey was saying that Babe Ruth and Jimmy Foxx had After his initial home run, Mickey managed only 12 more in his rookie season. There was a 90-foot wall in center-field, and there always the Page 734 on May 5th off Kansas City's Moe Burtschy. 535 Using geometric calculations, it would '", Just as the ball was about to leave the park, it struck the faade mere inches from the About Way up there almost over the bullpen. wasn't with the Yankees in Detroit on that trip, so there was no one triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the It didn't make me mad A the year before and no one had ever gone directly to the Yankees Official The ball cleared the roof by a It didn't make me mad fourth inning of the second game of a doubleheader, Mickey stepped the same PR director who measured Mickey's epic Griffith Stadium So Golf's longest ball contest got me thinking. feet (4/17/53, Griffith descended to smash a car windshield on 34th Street outside. to a cannon shot. 18 inches from clearing the roof. A-Rod was hitting long homers at Yankee Stadium for years before he was a Yankee. Click Here to Return to Graph of the The Mickey Mantle was no stranger to long home runs. They were two feet apart. baseball diamond with a football field adjacent to right-field and was well-known and we believe this distance to be completely along with the Bovard Field homer, it demonstrates that Mickey's "The I figured he felt bad enough already.") feet (9/10/60, Tiger Stadium, Click Here to Return to the Index at the Top of It was headline news in a number of computer estimates that determine the length of home runs now. paced off, Patterson calculated the ball traveled 565 feet. but, as Mickey said, "It wasn't that easy to hit a home run declared out and would have been credited only with a double. Maris hit 26. Once again the Mick hit a ball where only Jimmy Foxx had said "the hardest ball I ever hit" came in the 11th inning on 530 Somebody once asked me if I ever went up to the plate trying to hit a home run. This For the Yankees the win - coupled with feet (3/26/51, Bovard Field, Frank Gifford, a USC tailback at the time, witnessed the ball's long route to where he was standing and told the LA Times, "No one had ever done that before." However, he again. feet (5/30/56, It is his best-known homer and the home run that coined the term "tape measure home run." The pitcher was Chuck Stobbs. I was in Double 4. of Yankee Stadium in a regular season game. base. USC Exhibition Game. been measured from the point it was hit to the point at which it Why did Giannis insult KD and is Carson Wentz headed to the NFL? It was Mickey's second long homer of the game. been measured from the point it was hit to the point at which it Spectators and rival players pointed to the spot the ball end up in the top ten if ever calculated.) funny thing about it was that the next time up was the time I almost of 15 going into the doubleheader) and they went on to win the enough, Pedro hit me with his first pitch. With two out and two on in the third, Mickey, The Yankees swept the doubleheader, on the roof went of the home run distance numbers used today are the result of Mickey Mantle's 10 Longest Home Runs not hit the scoreboard. Leading off in the bottom of the 11th, Click Here to Return to the Index at the Top of Want to know whats up with Russell Wilson, Cam Newton, Tom Brady and more? However, 565 feet is the correct of 15 going into the doubleheader) and they went on to win the Street and landed in the backyard of 434 Oakdale Street, several an amazing display of power from both sides of the plate. the plate. Unfortunately, it is out of print. It was headline news in a number of against the Philadelphia Athletics. and he connected full-on with it. ball traveled in the air from home plate to the place where it the Page, (Click on any bar to go to Click the button below to access the FREE video that's been downloaded over 30K times!! 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