according to john 5:24 what three things are the result of hearing and believing

He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias. It is not a message or a sign, however significant at the moment, which passes away as soon as heard or seen. Scripture is, or may be, before man always. The Word, God (and only begotten Son in the Father's bosom), He was eternally Son of God, too, as born into the world. It is not the only soul-saving truth that Jesus ever uttered or that John ever wrote. The law works no deliverance; it puts a man in chains, prison, darkness, and under condemnation; it renders him a patient, or a criminal incompetent to avail himself of the displays of God's goodness. Indeed, it is the total eclipse, not merely of law and remedial mercies, but even of promised Messianic glory, by everlasting life and resurrection at the last day. NIV Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life., NLT I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. (VerseJohn 4:1; John 4:1) It was strange to her that a Jew should thus humble himself: what would it have been, had she seen in Him Jesus the Son of God? He who inspired them to communicate His thoughts of Jesus in the particular line assigned to each, raised up John to impart the highest revelation, and thus complete the circle by the deepest views of the Son of God. Thus, as in the former case the Lord's dealing in Galilee was a type of the future, this appears to be significant of His then present path of grace in that despised quarter of the land. He is viewed as retaining the same perfect intimacy with the Father, entirely unimpaired by local or any other circumstances He had entered. "He that believeth on him is not judged: but he that believeth not is judged already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." 5 17. In the duration, of the Salem witch trials occurred, hundreds of innocent people had been hounded and nineteen of them were hanged at the end starting in 1962. (VersesJohn 6:1-21; John 6:1-21). John chapter 5. The word hear is a present active imperative verb. Glory would be displayed in its day. 1 Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish festivals. This question is raised, or rather settled, by the Lord in Jerusalem, at the passover feast, where many believed on His name, beholding the signs He wrought. Nor could any question be more momentous. The Central Theology in John According to John 20:30-31, the signs which Jesus performed were many. Till then the Holy Ghost could not be so given only when Jesus was glorified, after redemption was a fact. John 1:29; John 1:29John 1:34; John 1:34) of John Baptist's testimony here named; the first day (ver. He was just stating what the Philippian jailer would hear: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you willbe saved." Fritzsche, p. 21). This doesnt mean that what he is about to say is more true, only that it is more important. Nothing less than everlasting life in Christ can deliver: otherwise there remains judgment. What a witness all this to His person! John 5:24 Commentaries: "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. Even when it becomes 3:00, the belief doesn't fix itself. Even now faith knows, that instead of sin being the great object before God, ever since the cross He has had before His eyes that sacrifice which put away sin. The House Jan. 6 select committee's fourth hearing of the month just wrapped up. Heavy drinking can cause you to see things that aren't. Of course it is the revelation of Christ; but here He was simply revealing the sources of this indispensable new birth. Then, resuming the strain of verse John 1:14, we are told, in verseJohn 1:16; John 1:16, that "of his fulness have all we received." It should be noted that throughout Scripture until the very end of His revelation, this " as many as " attitude reflects the Father's heart toward His rebellious creatures, John recording And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. The Son had not come to execute the judgments of the law they knew, nor even to promulgate a new and higher law. I. It was not so. The chapter pursues this subject, showing that it is not only God who thus deals first, with the necessity of man before His own immutable nature; next, blessing according to the riches of His grace but, further, that man's state morally is detected yet more awfully in presence of such grace as well as holiness in Christ. that we may give an answer to them that sent us. (Ver. God hearing and answering Jesus didn't mean salvation from the cross, but salvation through the cross. Notably He is now applying it to the reconciliation of a people, who are also baptized by the Holy Ghost into one body. Although the Gospel is ostensibly written by St. John the Apostle, "the beloved disciple" of Jesus, there has been considerable discussion of the actual . Here we see Him accepting, not as fellow-servant, but as Lord, those souls who had been under the training of the predicted messenger of Jehovah that was to prepare His way before, His face. We have now the Word made flesh, called Jesus Christ this person, this complex person, that was manifest in the world; and it is He that brought it all in. 5. Both of them were in relation to man on the earth; the one while He was here, the other from above. But if the Spirit speaks of the Son of God, the law dwindles at once into the smallest possible proportions: everything yields to the honour the Father puts oil the Son. No charge could be remoter from the truth. He who, living, was received for eternal life, is our meat and drink in dying, and gives us communion with His death. And such was Jesus. #2 whoever hears my word and believes We are saved by hearing the truth of the gospel of Christ (Rom 10:17). Why should He not show Himself to the world? And worship is viewed both in moral nature and in the joy of communion doubly. But the chapter does not close without a further contrast. For if the Son (cast out, we may say, in principle from Judaism) visited Samaria, and deigned to talk with one of the most worthless of that worthless race, it could not be a mere rehearsal of what others did. Deut. To the Pharisees, indeed, his words as to the Lord are curt: nor does he tell them of the divine ground of His glory, as he had before and does after. The scripture text that brother Michael is preaching from is John 5:24-25 and the audio is 53 minutes long. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God." 1:11). d. are open to new information. He hath this immediately, and not merely, he shall have. They should have understood more about Him those that were specially favoured. The healing of the courtier's son, sick and ready to die, is witness of what the Lord was actually doing among the despised of Israel. But Jesus finds him in the temple, and said, "Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." From then, a Christian who preached the name of Jesus was being spoken through by Jesus himself, by his Spirit. So we see in the attractive power, afterwards dealing with individual souls. Matthew, Mark, and Luke start, as far as regards the public labours of the Lord, with John cast into prison. The hearing has ended. They accomplished this by repeatedly pairing the white rat with a loud, frightening clanging noise. The existence of divine love in believers, then facilitates the influence of the gospel on the world, and . There He supposes His full rejection and death. As the new birth for the kingdom of God, so the cross is absolutely necessary for eternal life. (Ver. The chapters we have had before us (John 1:1-51; John 2:1-25; John 3:1-36) are thus evidently an introduction: God revealed not in the Word alone, but in the Word made flesh, in the Son who declared the Father; His work, as God's Lamb, for the world, and His power by the Holy Ghost in man; then viewed as the centre of gathering, as the path to follow, and as the object even for the attendance of God's angels, the heaven being opened, and Jesus not the Son of God and King of Israel only, but the Son of man object of God's counsels. Do they receive Him not? FIVE WONDERFUL THINGS John 5:24 Intro. Praying "according to the will of God" in 1 John 5:14-15, I believe, is praying according to God's intended action, which could be either his moral will (category #2) or his permissive will (category #3). The Father did not judge, but committed all judgment into the hands of the Son, because He is the Son of man. None the less did the result of His death proclaim His Deity. This leads Philip to Nathanael, in whose case, when he comes to Jesus, we see not divine power alone in sounding the souls of men, but over creation. "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life." - John 5:24 Hearing His Word Jesus said, "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life," so we must hear what Jesus says to us, but more importantly, we must do what He says (Matt 25:40). hath everlasting life; not only in the purpose of God, and in the covenant of his grace, and in the hands of Christ, and in faith and hope; but he has a right unto it, and a claim of it, according to the declaration of the Gospel; and besides, has the principle of it in himself, the grace of God, which springs up into, is the beginning of, and issues in eternal life; he has also a meetness for it, and has the pledge and earnest of it, the Spirit of God, and shall certainly enjoy it: and shall not come into condemnation; neither for original sin, though judgment has passed upon all men unto condemnation for it; nor for actual sins and transgressions: for though everyone deserves condemnation, yet were there as many sentences of condemnation issued out as sins committed, not one of them could be executed on such who are in Christ Jesus, as he that believes in him is openly and manifestatively in him: the reason is, because the death of Christ is a security against all condemnation; and whoever believes in him shall not be condemned, but saved; and though he may come into judgment, yet not into condemnation: he shall stand in judgment, and be acquitted by the righteousness of Christ, which he, by faith, receives as his justifying righteousness. All is in the character of the Son of man. Jesus finally summed up this important teaching that spelt out the clear message of His eternal deity before saying: "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My Word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. It seemed natural: He had fed the poor with bread, and why should not He take His place on the throne? This last is the figure of a truth deeper than incarnation, and clearly means communion with His death. Thus we all not only receive of His fulness, (and what fulness illimitable was there not in Him!) Nobody had gone up to heaven: God had taken more than one; but no one had gone there as of right. Neither does the Spirit say exactly as the English Bible says "sons," but children. Mental illness is one of the more common causes of auditory hallucinations, but there are a lot of other reasons, including: Alcohol. Further, John attests that he saw the Spirit descending like a dove, and abiding on Him the appointed token that He it is who baptizes with the Holy Ghost even the Son of God. Nothing is said about the fan in His hand; nothing of His burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire. But hath passed out of death into life Christ's Discourse with the Jews; All Judgment Committed to Christ; The Christian Charter. He was God. Christ was the true sanctuary, not that on which man had laboured so long in Jerusalem. There is no other way in which the new nature is made good in a soul. behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. He that comes from above from heaven is above all. The result immediately follows. It means that the Christian does not wait for eternal life to begin at death or when Christ returns, as he promises to in this passage. They had stumbled before, and the Lord brought in not alone His person, as the Word made flesh, presented for man now to receive and enjoy; but unless they ate the flesh, and drank the blood of the Son of man, they had no life in them. 22 For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, 23 that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Bible > John > Chapter 5 > Verse 24 John 5:24 Context Crossref Comment Greek Verse (Click for Chapter) New International Version The Jews had so misinterpreted the Law of Moses about the Sabbath day that they considered the miracles that Jesus carried out on the Sabbath, violated their strict rules. Such shall live. If He spoke the truth, they were blasphemers. For that reason, they "sought all the more to kill Him, because He not only was breaking the Sabbath, but also was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God.". 2. b. are likely to cooperate during conflicts. According to Romans 5:8, how has God shown that he loves you? The panel focused on how former President Donald Trump and his allies . It is not only the nature, but the model and fulness of the blessing in the Son, who declared the Father. We have had his name introduced into each part of the preface of our evangelist. He tells Philip to follow Him. Ephesians 3:20 Context. And so, in fact, it was and is. Here was a meeting, indeed, between such an one and Him, the Son, true God and eternal life. According to John 5:24, what three things are the result of hearing and believing? #3 him who sent me Whoever believes Jesuss Word believes God, who gave his one and only Son (Jn 3:16). But it is important we should know how He entered the world. John 3:31-36) he speaks of His person in contrast with himself and all; of His testimony and of the result, both as to His own glory, and consequently also for the believer on, and the rejecter of, the Son. It was not intended for other beings it was God's free gift to man, to the believer, of course. Nay, "the world knew him not." In the beginning of the chapter it was rather an essential indispensable action of the Holy Ghost required; here it is the privilege of the Holy Ghost given. 11:33-36. How little they conceived of what was then said and done! 1 The psalmist proclaimed: "The entirety of Your word is truth, and every one of your righteous judgments endures forever" (119:160). Rate this: Share this: John 1:19-37; John 1:19-37) It is here presented historically. It was an extraordinary birth; of God, not man in any sort, or measure, but a new and divine nature (2 Peter 1:1-21) imparted to the believer wholly of grace. In John 6:1-71 our Lord sets aside Israel in another point of view. But all that is historically related of the Lord Jesus inJohn 1:1-51; John 1:1-51; John 2:1-25; John 3:1-36; John 4:1-54. was before the imprisonment of the Baptist. Was this false and blasphemous in their eyes? The great fact of the incarnation is brought before us "The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father"). The Jews, then, who could not help, and pitied not their fellow in his long infirmity and disappointment, are scandalized to see him, safe and sound, carrying his couch on that day. It was but preliminary, of course; still it was a deep reality, the then present grace in the person of the Son, the Saviour of the world, who filled their once dark hearts with light and joy. (Ver. Here the Lord was really owned by the multitudes as the great Prophet that should come; and this in consequence of His works, especially that one which Scripture itself had connected with the Son of David. They spoke of the world; the world might hear them. His joy was that of a friend of the Bridegroom (to whom, not to him, the bride belonged), and now fulfilled as he heard the Bridegroom's voice. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." "Ye will not come to me that ye might have life." For though the Son (that eternal life who was with the Father) was a man, in that very position had the Father given Him to have life in Himself, and to execute judgment also, because He is Son of man. (Verses John 3:11-13) He (and He was not alone here) knew God, and the things of God, consciously in Himself, as surely as He knew all men, and what was in man objectively. it was no lack of testimony; their will was for present honour, and hostile to the glory of the only God. The survey of 1,552 U.S. adults, which was conducted from July 30 to Aug. 2, found that 66 percent of Republicans continue to insist that "the election was rigged and stolen from Trump," while just 18 percent believe "Joe Biden won fair and square."Twenty-eight percent of independent voters also said they think Trump was the rightful winner of the 2020 election, as did a small 3 . Judgment is the alternative for man: for God it is the resource to make good the glory of the Son, and in that nature, in and for which man blind to his own highest dignity dares to despise Him. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him. It passes over all question of dispensations, until it accomplishes, in all its extent, that purpose for which He thus died. Alas! MEMORIZE 1 JOHN 5:11-12 . #4 has eternal life and will not be judged The believer has begun eternal life upon salvation. They entered not into His words more than His grace, but thought and spoke, like the Samaritan woman, about things of this life. Meanwhile, near Leonato's estate, Benedick asks Margaret to bring Beatrice to speak to him. It is here we learn in what condition of His person God was to be revealed and the work done; not what He was in nature, but what He became. "He came unto his own [things], and his own [people] received him not. He speaks of Himself as the Son of man in death; for there could be no eating of His flesh, no drinking of His blood, as a living man. For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: that all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. Then said they unto him, Who art thou? Of course they are just as truly inspired as John's; but for that very reason they were not inspired to give the same testimony. by which is meant the Gospel, and is so called, both because it is spoken by Christ, and first began to be spoken by him; and because he is spoken of in it; his person, office, and work, peace, pardon, righteousness, life, and salvation by him, being the sum and substance of it: and by "hearing" it is meant, not a bare external hearing it; for so It sends those. Spite of the most express signs, and the manifest finger of God that wrote the ten words on tables of stone, the law sinks into comparative insignificance. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him. (Verses John 4:20-30), The disciples marvelled that He spoke with the woman. (ver. Man, under law, proved powerless; and the greater the need, the less the ability to avail himself of such merciful intervention as God still, from time to time, kept up throughout the legal system. But Jesus replied, "My Father is working until now, and I Myselfam working. This is all perfectly true, of course; and we have it elsewhere. Did the dead (for so men are treated, not as alive under law) did they hear the voice of the Son of God? It would not suit God, if it would suit man, that He, seeing all, should just pronounce on man's corruption, and then forthwith let him off with a bare pardon. On the third day is the marriage in Cana of Galilee, where was His mother, Jesus also, and His disciples. One needs no more than to read, as believers, these wonderful expressions of the Holy Ghost, where we cannot but feel that we are on ground wholly different from that of the other gospels. 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