social constructivism international relations

The inescapable tension between general rules and specific actions ceaselessly casts up disputes which in turn generate arguments, which then reshape both rules and conduct. The logical chain from general norms to contestation is not long. This review examines the constructivist norms-oriented literature from early efforts geared at gaining acceptance in a field dominated by the neorealist/neoliberal debates, through the recent emergence of agendas focused on norm compliance and contestation. Japan and identity change: Why it matters in international relations. Constructivism insists that reality is subjective. Tannenwald, N. (2018). 134). International Organization, 46(2), 391425. Constructivism focuses on the social context in which international relations exist. Norms in international relations: Some conceptual and methodological reflections. We dont do that: A constructivist perspective on the use and non-use of private military contractors by Denmark. (1996). Pouliot (2008:259) argues that most of what people do in world politics, as in any other social field, does not derive from conscious deliberation or thoughtful reflection. Discourse has power because language can shape how we view phenomena simple acts such as defining a conflict as one of terrorism, for example, then calls into effect a range of policy options associated with countering terrorism. Those who study contestation do allow for reasoning about norms, appealing to notions of interpretation to generate different understandings of a norm with a community of norm acceptors. This is a different way to think about and imagine the international realm beyond the narrow confines of rationalist power prescriptions. In R. Abrahamsen & A. Leander (Eds. Hagstrm, L., & Gustafsson, K. (2015). Agius, C. (2022). Acharya (2004) goes further in that he allows for the substance of international norms to be molded to fit local contexts localization. (2005). What makes the UK feel safe in the matter of the USAs nuclear arsenal is that these states have a shared identity centuries of connection, friendship, shared beliefs and language, and similar cultures. In the 1980s and 1990s, efforts to wind back the proliferation of nuclear weapons which by this stage had reached staggering proportions, particularly in the USA and USSR prompted scientists and nuclear experts, civil society organizations, and other actors, to form what is called epistemic communities. The Geneva Convention (1949) is an example of an international regime. It is a social institution with norms, rules, and procedures to govern how civilians and combatants should be treated in war. In A. M. Sookermany (Ed. They were aware of and noted the simplifications being made caveating their work with notations about the fluid and inherently contested nature of norms. Social theory of international politics. The dominant focus of traditional theories on state and distribution of . Constructivists also emphasize how domestic norms and values play a role in how states and their militaries approach conflict or understand the causes of conflict. (2001). The initial empirical norms research tended to simplify normative dynamics to facilitate analysis and dialogue with competing perspectives, treating the norms that they analyzed as relatively static entities with relatively specific meanings and strictures. (1999). Nordic strategic culture. But the nuclear issue is also important because it shows how competing ideas about norms co-exist or contrast for example, former US President Donald Trump tried to change the norm around the use of nuclear weapons, arguing for the ability to use low yield nuclear weapons and the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review returned to the idea that nuclear superiority mattered (Tannenwald 2018). The link was not copied. Not all states respond to external phenomena in the same way, which invokes a need to consider how domestic and cultural factors shape the identity and interests of actors. This is a continuous, two-way process (2013, p. 4). Advance of Theory of Constructivism in IR The theory's rise is generally attributed after the end of cold war . Social norms were considered, in many ways, the medium of mutual constitution. Likewise, culture plays a significant role in international security. Constructivisms overwhelming focus on the state and state agents obscures other actors and processes. One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman. Hidden in plain sight: Constructivist treatment of social context and its limitations. Both of these critiques run afoul of constructivist logic yet are legitimate given how norms were conceptualized in the initial wave of empirical constructivist work. The causes of the Iraq war. New York: Oxford University Press. The current literature on compliance with social norms has taken a question that motivated the socialization studies of the 1990s Why do some transnational ideas and norms find greater acceptance in a particular locale than in others? (Acharya 2004:240) in new directions. His (2000:2) logic of arguing is designed to clarify how actors develop a common knowledge and how norms and ideas can have a constitutive effect while retaining the reflection and choice Sending (2002:458) deems necessary for mutual constitution and change. / (social) constructivism [1] [ ] [2] Self-identity and the IR state. Social Constructivism or Constructivism is a theory in International Relations which holds that developments in international relations are being constructed through social processes in accordance with ideational factors such as identity, norms, rules, etc. It was a tool for constructivists to show that ideas, norms, and morals mattered vis--vis rationalist variables in explanations of world political phenomena. Rather than diminishing other major theories, according to its holders and proponents, constructivism theory provides wider illumination a larger explanation for determining the dynamic and the function of world politics. While arguments remain about constructivisms ontological commitments and efforts to build a bridge between rationalist and reflectivist approaches, its relevance for military studies can be widely seen in terms of how it can broaden thinking about how to see and respond to other actors in terms of security and cooperation. Foreign Policy, 134, 5059. More info. Undoing the freezing of norms has been based on a reimagining of social norms as generic social facts that are inherently dynamic. By the end of the 1990s and early 2000s, constructivists were engaging with both the small number of big important things that Waltz (1986:329, cited in Finnemore 1996:1) famously claimed for structural realism and the large number of big important things that other approaches ignored (Finnemore 1996:1). I would like to thank Alice Ba, Robert Denemark, Phil Triadafilopoulos, and the anonymous reviewer for their helpful discussions and suggestions on this essay. International Organization, 48(2), 185214. Norms and regulatory instruments around the use of PMSCs and in what capacity they are used have emerged with the view to regulating them (Percy 2016, p. 221). This study focuses on the definition of the social constructivism approach within the scope of International Relations (IR) theories and the discussions on this approach. In essence, they theorized norm diffusion as taking place from a community of Western states constituted by compliance with universal human rights norms to individual Southern states. CrossRef Identities are also constructed. Norms and Social Constructivism in International Relations | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies Social norms were conceptualized as aspects of social structure that emerged from the actions and beliefs of actors in specific communities; norms shaped those actions and beliefs by constituting actors' identities and interests. The traditional theories (Idealism and Realism) had diverted all focus to state and Power. The Athenians demand that neutral Melos side with them against Sparta. Writing in the 1950s, Karl Deutsch differentiated between amalgamated and pluralistic security communities, with the former referring to a security community with a shared government, and the latter involving an integrated yet separated political structure. But NATO transformed itself into something more than a military alliance. 3. An example of this can be seen in the case of Libya in 2011, which is broadly hailed as a successful R2P intervention. Constructivism is relevant to military studies in numerous ways. European Journal of International Relations, 12(3), 341370. International Relations employs three theories that political scientists use to explain and predict how world politics plays out.To define the theories of Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism we will explore how each theory views anarchy, power, state interests, and the cause of war. Printed from Oxford Research Encyclopedias, International Studies. Constructivism, normative IR theory and the limits and possibilities of studying ethics in world politics. Tannenwald, N. (1999). Constructivism is the claim that significant aspects of international relations are historically and socially contingent (subject to change), rather than inevitable consequences of human nature or other essential characteristics of world politics. In the attempt to understand when and where norms are likely to be efficacious, these authors stake out a position on the reasoning aboutreasoning through norms spectrum. Mitzen, J. For constructivists, a focus on identity makes it possible to consider more deeply how domestic factors, ideas, discourses, cultures, and norms shape the interests of states and the choices states make. - Altmetric. Those who study compliance realize that actors are constituted by norms and cannot fully separate themselves from their normative context. This is particularly relevant to military studies in terms of understanding the strategic culture of specific states: culture can have an important influence on how states see security, how they interpret threat and train and organize their military forces. Ideals that were really never in our possession: Torture, honor and US identity. (One of the foundational texts that covers chapters on security and strategic culture, albeit from a mainly conventional perspective). This has led the constructivist literature away from Keohanes (1988) original vision of a division of labor constructivists provide insight into what the interests are, rational approaches take the analysis from there (Legro 1996). In the last decade the development of constructivist thought and empirical research has been occurring more on terms defined by constructivism itself (Checkel 2004). Norms that challenged ideas like genocide, apartheid, the use of nuclear weapons, how to treat prisoners of war, how combatants are defined, and the role of women in armed forces emerge in opposition to existing norms. Critics found this dual understanding of the logic of appropriateness wanting and thus developed additional behavioral logics that modeled differing motivations and modes of behavior more explicitly. Constructivist ideas are present when attention is turned to alliances and security communities. But we dont call it torture! Baumann, M. (2022). Norm shift around the idea of sovereignty can be seen in the pillars of R2P that say that if a state cannot or will not stop human rights abuses within its own territory, other states have a compelling reason to intervene. London: Routledge. American Political Science Review, 95(3), 547560. Grand strategy, strategic culture, practice: The social roots of Nordic defence. London: Routledge. (A vital critique of conventional constructivism that uses the case study of Germany and the debates to join in military interventions outside the NATO area). At the other end of the spectrum are constructivists who argue that agents reason through social structures. For March and Olsen, the logic of consequences where agents undertake actions on the basis of rationally calculating the optimal (usually materially) course of action remained an insufficient foundation for theorizing behavior in international relations. First, both types of studies may benefit from more attention to the notion of intersubjective communities and their boundaries. Other articles where constructivism is discussed: international relations: Constructivism: In the late 20th century the study of international relations was increasingly influenced by constructivism. Along with recent work on strategic social construction the idea that norms can be deployed in the service of interests (regardless of whether those interests are pre-given or socially constructed themselves) or at least shape strategic behavior (e.g., Barnett and Coleman 2004; Muller 2004; Nielson, Tierney, and Weaver 2006; Seabrooke 2006) the recent writing on compliance has made progress on questions left open by the initial wave of empirical norms research. Having made the case that norms matter and having developed a number of theoretical frameworks to show how norms emerge, spread, and influence behavior, normsoriented constructivists have begun to turn their attention to a new set of questions. Constructivism theory is one of the models of the progressing emergence of international relations theory. Finally, the third theory of international relations, known as Constructivism, focuses on ideas, shared beliefs and identity as the main drivers of success. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world. 12). Ideas about whether actors reason about norms or through norms can be linked to underlying behavioral logics that constructivists have devised and developed since the inception of the approach. Katzenstein, P. J. van Meegdenburg, H. (2019). Norms, identity, and their limits: A theoretical reprise. Instead, practices are the result of inarticulate, practical knowledge that makes what is done appear self-evident or commensenical.. In this section you learn about: Realism, liberalism, constructivism, feminism and neo-Marxism as ways of explaining international relations. The strange career of Constructivism in International Relations" en Puchala, Do . The first is endogenous contestation actors that accept a general norm and are constituted by it nevertheless have different understandings of it or operationalize its strictures differently, leading to disputes and change in the meaning of the norm from within. Clearly this is a continuum because if agents were truly independent from or entirely dependent upon social structures, we would not be talking about constructivism. Anarchy is what states make of it: The social construction of power politics. The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter's Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. (Wendts book is vital reading for all constructivist scholars and his ontological and epistemological position on constructivism is set out more fully here. Post Cold War Era- Provided much diverse approach to understand and analyze international relations. About us. Roennfeldt, C. F. (2022). Two have become particularly prominent compliance with the strictures of social norms and change in norms themselves. Glanville, L. (2016). Schmidt, B. (2019), and Kessler and Steele (2016) for recent advanced debates.) Conformance how social norms as intersubjective objects stabilize expectations and even bound what is considered to be possible (Yee 1996) was a crucial area for constructivists because without evidence of conformance with the strictures of social norms, constructivists could not demonstrate that norms mattered. Essentialism believes that our identities are linked to a fixed, universal, innate 'essence'. Another topic that requires further consideration in future research is the relationship between intersubjective and subjective reality. Power in the constructivist sense is less concerned with material power but sees ideas and discourses as powerful; power can be exercised in different ways. In the timeless wisdom of realist thought, the story of international relations is that the world is structured by anarchy. Ideas do not float freely: Transnational coalitions, domestic structures, and the end of the cold war. 55K views 2 years ago International Relations Constructivism is one of critical theories in IR criticizing the classical theories. Wendt, A. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Risse, Ropp, and Sikkink volume developed the spiral model that explained socialization of recalcitrant Southern states into universal human rights norms by referring to the linkages between and actions of transnational human rights activists, domestic human rights activists in the target state, and powerful Western state sponsors. A key illustration here is the norm of human rights, which is widely accepted by actors (Katzenstein 1996). Adler, E., & Barnett, M. Constructivism sees power in terms of what it does and means (Guzzini 2005); ideas have power (e.g., that democracies are good). Indeed, norms, identity, and ideas are key factors in constructivist theory. It matters if one assumes that norms are manipulable by political actors who can reason about them from an external standpoint or if norms (and social structure more generally) more fundamentally constitute actors such that they cannot stand outside the social norms that shape their interests and behaviors. (Eds.). In A. M. Sookermany (Ed. For neorealists, who take a structural explanation of international relations and argue that anarchy shapes world politics, states are like units distinguished only by their distribution of power and capabilities states were primed to behave the same way because the anarchic structure instructs them so. Rather than passive receptacles, norm takers have a very active role to play in socialization and can influence the meaning of the norms that constitute the very community they are being asked to join (Ba 2006). Sookermany, A. M. (2021). for example, is that ideas and norms are hard to test empirically (Moravcsik 1999); they are intangible things that are difficult to measure or quantify, and it is hard to know if they played a significant role in affecting behavior (Farrell 2002, p. 60). 124). Combining the beliefs, norms and values of influential individuals, as well as the state as a whole, creates its identity, which then influences its behaviors. Only those with equal power could make such demands, and the Athenians make good on their threat to destroy the Melians, declaring that might is right and the weak suffer what they must (Thucydides 1951, pp. Initial constructivist studies of social norms generally clustered into three areas. While states may choose to participate in war or not for strategic or material reasons, it is often ideational justifications (i.e., related to justice, values or existential threat) that provide the compelling argument for or against war. Baylis revision International Relations. Whereas Morgenthaus classical realism described interests in terms of power as a truism of international relations, in empirical terms, power might not be a driver for states interests and actions. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Constructivism in international relations: The politics of reality. Wendt tends to view state identity in a singular way which can omit its complexity. As we have seen in chapter 4, various factors can influence a country's interpretation of a convention. There is an implicit equivalence made between contestation that goes on within a normative community (generated by the gap between general rules and specific situations) and contestation that occurs between different normative communities (inevitable tension between norms). Introduction by Finley, John H. New York: Random House. ), Do the Geneva Conventions matter? Cooperation and Conflict, 54(1), 2543. Thucydides the constructivist. Instead, attempts at synthesis of constructivism and rationalism are now en vogue (e.g., Fearon and Wendt 2001; Schimmelfennig 2001, 2005; Checkel and Zurn 2005; Kornprobst 2007; Culpepper 2008; Kelley 2008). Social Constructivism in International Relations and the Gender Dimension . International Studies Quarterly, 60(3), 475485. Yet the logic of appropriateness appears to cede the ground of purposeful, goal-oriented behavior to rationalist perspectives (whether it actually cedes this ground is an additional, and crucial question). ), Handbook of military sciences (pp. Moreover, how NATO made this successful transition and ensured its survival relied on the dominant ideas about how the Cold War ended. How militaries assess and interpret threat can be related to culture, intersubjective meanings, and social networks and understandings. Wendt, A. ), Handbook of military sciences (pp. Constructivism accounts for this issue by arguing that the social world is of our making (Onuf 1989). When interacting with external norms, the targets of socialization reason about and in some cases manipulate the social norms (international or domestic) that shape their behavior. The shared understandings given to objects are referred to as inter-subjective meanings, which Adler explains as collective knowledge (1997). (3) state identities and interests are in important part constructed . . (Ed.). This approach challenged the rationalism and positivism of neorealism and neoliberalism. Intersubjective facts like social norms only exist within a community of actors that accept them. New York: Routledge. These criticisms are predominantly about where constructivism claims to fit in IR (as the middle ground between rationalist and reflectivist approaches) and its methodological commitments. This recent research speaks to and is driven by broader questions of conceptualizing the relationship between actors and norms whether actors reason through or about social norms. Silverstone, S. (2021). Social constructivism primarily seeks to demonstrate how the core aspects of the international relations are contrary to the assumptions of Neorealism and Neoliberalism within the frame of social construction, taking up forms of ongoing processes of social practice and interaction. 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