would you marry a girl who slept around

Though neither worked out I had two completely different experiences. Tighter in actuality isnt always better. Stefan probably didnt realize this was true while he was writing the article or even now. The way i look at this, is it shouldnt matter how many partners she has. Life. Several promiscuous women have said to me that they could be faithful when married and I think that they would. Funny how the women who think number shouldnt matter have all slept with a lot of people. Quite frankly, the word perfect enables the black community and all of our dysfunctions. So there is a responsibility on both ends. That is all the article is trying to say. Being old-fashioned is not an excuse. think of the consequences of her actions. Its only because it does matter to us that we may not want Tough shit. I guess in the perfect society women and men would be equals, history aside. What happens to the guy that took a chance on her got his emotions wrapped up in her only to have them stomped on? That's pretty low for a guy". Ask her about her thoughts on it and her expectations now and in the future. How can that be true when most divorces end for financial reasons?Plus most women cheat because they are being emotionally neglected at home.I just dont know how you would think that most divorces occur because women who have slept around a lot arent satisfied with being with just one man.Where did this all come from? People rarely change. Maybe you think yes, but I say no, and I say that the actual number should not be the true focus in evaluating a potential partner. If they have, you dont know the type of past this woman has had such as entering prostitution when she was young for various reasons, seeking validation from men through sex at a young age (especially if shes been sexually abused or has father issues) or because she has no problem with satisfying her sexual needs which we do have. You can mutter no, no, no as long as you want, but that doesnt change evolution. total. So if he is still able to find happiness with her when he is not aware of the true number, I just dont see why the number being revealed later should now change everything. Give me the infected one having only 2 men rather than the clean one after 30 physical infections have cure infections in the soul dont . you certainly would be a fool to expect that it wouldnt have I dont want to hate on the people that made mistakes, because we can always change, but you are right on point. You could play an important role in her life, and teach her how lovely a LTR can be. I believe society is obsessed with sex, seriously God created between one man and one woman Ive never had a one night stand and couldnt imagine letting a woman that I JUST met put her mouth on my penis or me eating her vagina I feel like promiscuity is just a reason to be reckless/refuse self discipline.. I think this line of thought has been promoted as she said she's "only slept with one person this year" in a serious way when I have only slept with one person my whole life. And, if many guys were blatantly honest with themselves and others, they would probably admit to being more promiscuous than their significant others. How do you think He will respond to what you happen to think about Him and His lack of existence? *if you admit to regrets* which is the biggest of your life. Wow, as more as I read your answers as more I agree on what you say I am afraid puppycat feels remorse for something has she been honest with her man about her past????? Everyone has different tastes. The vagina is made to accommodate different sizes. If someone says he has slept with 100 women, who is sleeping around more, the Men or the Women? Women want a guy who wants a woman to love and respect herself to value a People make mistakes and should NOT be judged however we cant be stupid and act like it doesnt matter. Also, having a high number of partners can cause him to have negative opinions of her. Excessive promiscuity is linked directly to narcissism and mental instability. I dont think the number should matter, personally. It tells men to be skinny jean wearing pussies (the opposite of what women really want) and women to be whores and sluts (who no man will ever commit to). They would always want to be with me even not wanting sex. I said it to get people to understand this isnt about having the women go out there and have sex with whoever they want. Many men are saying that they dont like this, and dont want to end up marrying a guy with a vagina. It did Interesting. Now a days this is normal as it is hard to find a Virgin Girl as most of them had sex in their 15s or 16s. Yep! I cant imagine the level of crazy one would have to be to think that not marrying the wrong person or before they know the implications of marriage is a bad thing, but hey, Im not you. People make assumptions and judge a woman who was promiscuous in the past without knowing her and what happened to lead her into becoming promiscuous. All is equal and fair. Most guys dont want to do that either. I on the other hand have done all those what ifs so they are no longer appealing to me anymore. I Think that u r bringing this up is great and it needs to be talked about more.i Think when u Get older u Think more about this things and talk about it and see that people can change and of course u go thrue life experiance different things.we r not all the same and what people do different things and shouldnt be jugded by their past. Sex is purely pleasing, its not emotional for me. Just look at them in the same light. WOMEN THAT ARE CONSTANTLY ON THE HOE STROLL MAKE IT DIFFICULT FOR WOMEN LIKE ME WHO ARE NOTWOMEN WHO CARRY THEMSELVES WITH DECENCY AND RESPECT. 20 partners in 25 years? There is nothing any of us can do to change the past, but we can choose to make our present and future so much better. Actually, the vagina does not get loose. Love isnt about sex. That is what this article is really about. Everyone has a right to their opinion and position. the women do to. Of course, that was music to my earsbut, I am very realistic and pragmatic. & many more results. Im tired of men having to settle for a woman that has been around the block.. Im saving myself for my wife It saddens me to see humans sleep with anything.. Men and women are worth more than that Smh -_-. Sleeping around might be related to testosterone in both sexes. No one wants to date a girl thats been ran through. By Samantha Daniels, Contributor So get that un fair stuff out of here! Anything you know is toxic? And if he is, so what? The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. So with that, is nobody worthy of redemption or are we to judge people on their past and hold their previous mistakes over their heads forever? Guys in sports, entertainment and the military normally are cheaters. Also women (and some men) get bored quickly these days. Please subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news in your domain of interest. Just settle because the other person isnt perfect. After all who wants to get busted for being less-than-perfect when we see HIM face to face? I wish more people could or would at least try to entertain or understand that our history does not have to dictate the future. Most men dont want to marry a person who is in effect a man with a vagina. Wear and tear is evident on me too, example what if they give a woman an STDs that wear and tear hun. It would be a lot easier to have a healthy attitude about others sex lives if we can accept our own without pressure to be a certain way by the world around us. And I suppose that a man or woman states it was only sex can be trusted not to sleep around since its only sex and not all men are like that its just an excuse to get laid. This post also feels like a way to almost look for what I want to hear i.e. 9. So lets be perfect in a less than perfect world and provide a few undeniable examples: Your RENT is due and it is $800 and you only have $620Do you have the right or wrong amount??? You make an excellent point when you speak on how many women have adopted this way of thinking. Cheers for the educuation, random 17-year-old. Dirty Runs girl that you can pay 500 to sleep with turns out to be a millionaire today. If she chooses to sleep with all 10 men that makes her easy. Also, as far as men losing their home, assets, and children, the flip side of double standards is that it ends up being the mothers responsibility to care for their children and because women either didnt make the same amount during the marriage or she was a stay at home Mom, the assets built during the marriage end up being awarded to her. My opinion, the past is what shapes us, it is how we use that and apply it to our future that defines us. I sometimes dream about it, feel sad etc. I AM SORRY, AS WOMENWE MUST HOLD OURSELVES TO HIGHER STANDARDSWHEN WE BEGAN TO LOSE OUR MORALS AND ACT LIKE MEN IS WHEN WE STARTED TO BE MORE LIKELY TO GET SHOT THAN MARRIED. They should So if u sleep with 5 guys u keep a part of them five guys with you for a long time. There is a reason the vast majority of men do not want to marry a slut. She says that she really wants me to know the truth about her past and how many people she slept with. So I just focused on the specific concern of the number of men a woman has slept for this. Many times the stroll occurs in high school or college, but it varies for different women. I in no way dismiss the very true and valid points you have made. that it is fine to date a slut but I just want some fucking piece of hope cause I don't want to drop this shit as I really like her. It would be a horrifically frightening thing to have to stand before a Holy GOD and try to explain why we haven't been able to live up to HIS Holy standards. 3 Risk Factors For Women Who Sleep Around Having Unattached Sex Im a male and feel that woman and young ladies do get a bad rap when it comes to sex and thier numbers. No man grows up saying, I cant wait to find a nice slut to settle down and build a family with!!. And yes, I enjoy educating the ignorant, such as yourself, on such topics. TSR Community Awards 2022: Best Official Rep - VOTING OPEN, TSR Community Awards 2022: Most Funniest Member - VOTING NOW OPEN, JK Rowling dismisses backlash over trans comments: 'I don't care about my legacy', Official University of Leeds 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Threads. If you are confident, you will be more understanding of others. Imagine for a moment that the United States was an egalitarian society. Her husband probly slept with 100 plus too. /Especially/ when choosing a mate. Thank you for your writing this article. I seem to be shunned by women when after the 3rd date I still havent tried to get into her pants. Thing is, a mistake can cost you plenty in life jobs being one of them. And I ask you, why ride the Datson if youre looking for the Benz? Shit if u cant count your partners on both hands then u have a problem. haha Also A LOCK that is open by any KEY is a USELESS LOCK!, To my point of view we all have our premises on how we chose our partners (size, color of eyes, color of hair, etc) for me the number of sexual partners of the person I would chose it would be also a factor I have to admit that bumping into a ex partner would be a negative effect but to me is more the idea of this person being more able of controlling herinstincts a bit better than an animal or not.. Press J to jump to the feed. And I wouldnt ignore the past in a realtionship either. It is simply to say let us not be so quick to judge those whose past may involve a high number of sexual partners. Ive read about a porn star named Shelly Lubben that got married and stay married. You better believe you can be loved and your are loved : ). I have a BUNCH to say, but first lets address the wear and tear issue, it obviously has some relevance physically, but I would say it is mostly mentally destructive. Burn it. Just know your not alone. Just b/c those were accpetable practices in the past doesnt mean we as a society have to continue to adhere to them and perpetuate their message. More and more women than ever before are Sleeping around. up a****le (Jerkwhatever feels right at the time. Blanksie_11 you make excellent points and I do not disagree with you. I dont thing something is wrong with a man who does not like the idea of competing with a womans past. Consider your 20s your best years is VERY subjective. If you say you do, then answer this: half the women you are sleeping with *are* sleeping around, and guess what? Your point about language is interesting and not one I have considered. I have shops around Nigeria . We all make mistakes, but many of us do learn from them and move in a better direction. I Dont see it as passing judgement. The general consensus is generally that some crazy bitch who spent a decade slutting around is not going to be that moral woman after she stops and you can't trust her to be. What should matter is if she is STD free. Fuckboys should marry women who slept around and end up opening the relationship when they will inevitably reach the point where they realize one dick or one vagina is no longer enough. I think Im old enough to understand that and act accordingly. (one-nighters) out of the 19 people Ive had sex with that I didnt get to Ive read a couple of your blogs, and I think youre a great writer with even greater things to say ! The funny part is research shows it has always been about the same, it was just that Women were able to hide it better. Granted, I still think one should be cautious when deciding to pursue a relationship with someone who has a promiscuous past, making sure that that phase of their life is over. Like my mother told me when I was a teenager, if Men are dogs, which they are usually. Its societal ideals that were first introduced many, many years ago by selfish, wealthy men in power. Just judging by how erratic, panicky and rather desperate you have written your message above. upbringing etc. Normally the good man doesnt have half the number of the slut girl. Not only wasnt my dad in my life basically I got to the point where I was screwing a man using me I was gon do the using. Africa, over 60,000 years ago and migrate to all parts of our planet, women had She's independent, classy, carries herself well, acts like a lady, has standards for who she sleeps with, doesn't disclose unnecessary information about her sex life, and she certainly doesn't let men disrespect her, because she respects herself. Take hold of completely forgiving her, and focus on only showing her the love she needs from you. Thanks for your input man I appreciate it, ErmdudeI don't think you are in the best place to be with anyone right now tbh. This article is not saying to just have sex with whoever and everybody should accept it. Men are dogs, they will stick their dong in anything with a heartbeat if its offered. Dont be fooled by the celebrity divorces which seem quick and fast. If being old-fashioned for a woman means not being a slut, then old-fashioned will always be in style when men look for a mate to settle down with. Trust me when I say articles like this or similar positions on this issue are not the real issue when it comes to women acting like men. Women behave as sluts for many reasons. Though, I have had one hell of a rough life and never used sex as an outlet. No but ultimately the man that she winds up with will have to deal with the issues that come about from being with a woman that will, more likely than not, have very different thoughts and views on sex. Some people are stricter You will hold the one your with until the money guy comes around, or they guy with the big D, or the guy with the confidence etc etc.its so fake and so bad for evolution tbh. understand where youre coming from, and just give you a chance? I dont think they should, but they will and that man will never know. 6. The average women doesnt care. I disagree 100%. Women are yet to be seen as equals. my gf was honest about her past and i constantly bring it up whenever we argue not saying its right but I cant help but think about the number all the time. That she should women wait for 10 men and get to choose 1. I was like this guy is a genius, supporting whorish ways but I understand you completely. But what about men? You are right about the emotional attachment. And guess what? People seem to forget that we all make choices that others deem questionable so none of us should judge or look down on others for their choices. amenities; whether it was in the far past or recent past. I like how you caught yourself on that : ). Men getting around has never been acceptable behavior and never should be. One small example would be crying Acceptable for women over many small things, not acceptable for men..I doubt many women would be attracted to guys who cried almost daily over any small thing. Thoughtful. Men, if you think a woman sleeping with 10. I applaud you Stephan for SOME of your opinions on this matter and for standing your ground. Good luck. severely damage your relationship and possibly end it; trust is very important. In a romantic sense any woman who sleeps around is unattractive to me. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. But once you get into the booty call territory, or some other lines of just having sex with men because it is satisfying makes men look at you cynically. There's a lot of super fucking toxic aspects to it but at the same time a lot of truth. NO! However, most men will always respect more the woman who has the discipline, self-restraint, and dignity to not give in to the lust temptation juts because shes horny. A pedophile cant make a mistake. Its an individual thing as to how they perceive themselves. What if they have lived within your value system for most of their lives, but had a couple of years that they were super wild for whatever reason? Not everyone is like me but some people are and you never know who you will fall in love with in the future. The higher sexual partners has a correlation but I do not believe it is truly the cause. Enter your info below and join my VIP list. So when they say save yourself for the right one remember the word ONE u can say girl see whats out there see what u like live life but remember u are not only keeping apart of that person u sleep with in you, you are also exposing that person to your future kids and shaming your future spouses bloodline stop trying to justify being a hoe. Your comment finally got past moderation and was improved. Notoriety. 10 Best web hosting for entrepreneurs and small business. good to remind your lover that it was in the past and you cant change it. JESUS is calling souls that believe, know, love, trust,and have set their lives apart for HIS second coming, those HE is saying, HOLD ON just little while longer everything is will work as HE has plan it from the beginning. Love your post ur so real thanks dude not some fake that write stuff as if they are all dat holy. Exactly, the past should only be used as a way to better understand who that person has been and who they have become. & What makes it worse is even most women have adopted this way of thinking ! Cheers mate and thanks for reading. We should strive to be righteous. See, I can understand a man deciding not to be with that woman because their views and values dont line up. You GO GIRL! What youre looking at is her psychology. Im not going obsess over the fact that my numbers may be to high. Another reader mentioned that the man may have the fear of bumping into a past sex partner, but theres also the fear that her past really hasnt passed. I think its best to know what youre dealing with but at the same it doesnt matter because who they are today should speak volumes. Its profitable and acceptable. Cheers. You're young and these are hard to discern at first, but you can do it with practice. Ask men you know who are good & who you can trust to tell you the truth not what you like hearing. Whats cool is having the personal pride, and self-respect to give your body to every man who shows you interest. People have every right to want what they want in a mate,..within reason. Who she once was is not always who she is now. So a young fertile woman was his best bet. This doesnt make them bad people, but it does make them completely unsuitable as life mates. It would make it harder and harder for you to bond in a marriage and eventually be happy. Messing with them is the same as messing with everyone else they been with. Would you REALLY want to buy that car after you heard that? So when women say that having sex with lots of men is somehow acting like men, they are wrong. I am already spoken for. Let it go. My girlfriend who I am seeing right now has had sex with about 65 people I do believe there are some women that simply enjoy sex, but I would by lying if I said i felt that the majority of women who are promiscuous are doing it simply because they love it. The double standard thing is something that a lot of people ignore because I guess they feel as if, women should behave in such manner that is acceptable to society! Yes, there's a big difference. Its not likely to end up well (in terms of happiness and emotional satisfaction) for either the man or the woman. I agree women would get jealous as well and prefer that men dont have much of a past that they have to compete with. Do you feel it is because she has cheated in the past or because she doesn't have to be in a relationship to sleep with a guy? You dont think there are alpha women out there? Respect her wants and needs, respect her goals, her hopes, and her plans for her future. We were in high school and remained faithful to eachother all throughout college. Its just not allowed. Im 24 and I know better than that it dont matter wat happened to her its not an excuse to just sleep with a gang of men thats very un lady like and for a woman to do that is setting herself up to get a f*****g std. It doesnt matter where Ive worked, or what my experience is, or how successful I have been at what Ive done. Your experience may vary. As for what would a non-spiritual person be waiting for, well I dont want to give my future post away. So happy for you. This may make some Men unhappy, but it will work! I agree that we should know our partners past so that we may have a better understanding of who they are today. My girlfriend of 8 months told me in the beginning of the relationship she had only been with 2 other men which were her past relationships. of course aftewards they feel like trash, or are so cold that they lack feelings completely. or how many different babys daddy she has is not important. I understand why you would hold the position that you hold since you arent aware of the actual science behind my statement. Well a lot of us men would have been very happy just meeting a woman that could love us for who we are just like they did years ago since money was never an issue, and many women Accepted their men back then since many marriages did last very long like our Parents and Grandparents did. I dont think that the amount of partners anyone has been with in the past should be completely reflective of who they are as a person. Im a guy who never really had any girlfriends, I turned down or was just completely blind to all advances to me and missed all opportunities, I never really cared (or told myself I didnt, but probably I did), I would be a virgin if it wasnt for the few random prostitutes I slept with yeh, something Im not happy about but I only did it cause I was lonely and never believed in myself, I had my heart broken a few times (yeh wahh wahh, I was young and a sensitive human being), I had chronic anxiety and the thought of even going on a date made me want to vomit so I never met anyone or just avoided it I was 28 before I finally met someone who actually loves me, I was blown away. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. So I take it that you would have no problem dating a former child rapist? At least that is how I understand it and I agree. Being forced into prostitution is tantamount to being raped, and is not a choice the woman made, and is therefore not reflective of her. Thank you Jessica : ) and you raise an awesome point. Seemed to be more interesting than knowing the troubled young girls/teenager/woman. We dont know what that woman may have been going through or her full reasons for her choices. she has slept with in the past as evidence for if she is someone to be and you excel in other areas it can balance this out. However, promiscuity is not gender based. problem for other potential people you fall for, IF youre lucky and fall for (This was very rare for me. It is about not judging a woman based on her past number of partners. Again the difference between a woman who you thought you love and the one that she becomes whens she says her number is the same as living in a lie (for example the wife of a child rapist, she may be very happy with her husband till she finds her husband was a child rapist 10 years ago ) It is just living a lie that woman is just not the person you think she is I can only say that when I look at my wife I see the most beautiful and pure thing in the creation if she would come and tell me she had 50 other men I would be devastated and I could never look at her in the same way. Lmao @ Whale Poop. Im happy to hear this article could help you in any way to move in a better direction. I appreciated the honesty and had no problem with it. So again basing her value as a woman off of numbers shouldnt really mean much. Personally, I think that men and women should strive to have a lower number of sexual partners but I dont think that women should try to act like men in the thinking that having numerous partners is a good thing. It helps with understanding them fully, but it should not be used to pass judgement in any way. experience with this subject: I have been single for about a year twice in my No problem and trust me I will. How many men a female has slept matters because: This is why the feminist message that women should go and lots of sex (presumably to be more like men) is so damaging. Im always honest with him about everything but this is the one thing Im taking to the grave. You have people like me who respect your choice and who understand what you are going thru. What matters is probably different for you than for me. if you're concerned about self-destructive behavior, you need to actually understand what that is and isn't before you start judging people. Thank you very much. It comes in handy. Well sir, my past should not matter. I didn't feel all that special when it came to making love. hide ourselves in does not preclude that: it is a make or break answer. I can tell you first hand from experience that the man and woman that waits has a love affair that lasts a life time. I am available to help have the discussion. And I prefer to date her for a while before I sleep with her. We block love sometimes for all the wrong reasons, and how many men she has previously slept with should never be one of them. older, as to how many people they have had sex with, I say that how old they How detailed you can get depends on how much your lover can take. If a woman had many relationships and then relationships failed, this is other thing and issue yes.. The raw numbers are there for anyone to see, and as anyone can see, there is a strong and direct correlation between number of partners for the woman and likelihood of marriage failure. Good luck!! We are happy. I can go on for days about this. Its about respect. You feel a strong connection with her, and she does not display any emotional baggage or have any disease. But they dont.because they KNOW sluts dont make good wives so men wont pick them.well.the smart men wont. Again, have you heard of Google? Im not saying that my hoe friends shouldnt find a great man one day but damn, if they saw them now theyd never get wifed. I go to a state school & am constantly reminded that its a small world. Oh, and learn how to use Google. The simple truth is, it doesnt matter why you act like a slut. The best thing is, I have asked a lot of people prior to getting into a relationship because I do not wish to waste my time with somebody who has a lot of sexual partners. But I had a young lady who was interested in me. There surely will be another at the So if a man has slept with a hundred then he should be deemed the same way that a woman is if she sleeps with that many. You can do that without ever knowing how many partners she had. For me I think that was the last straw I noticed myself, not eating, and being depressed I seeked out councelling and it was determined that this double standard, combined with verbal abuse over 9 years has made me clinically depressed..She has had councelling too now and is resolving all the damage previously caused by her previous encounters. I will respect your point of view, however, as a blogger of a highly controversal and relevant subject you should try to put yourself at our vantage point as well: in a time where mens rights are routinely violated by the judicial and family court system, A LOT (not all) divorces are initiated by women who have had affairs outside of the marriage. I dont know, it just seems you have left a lot of factors out. You need both to function but then again so do women. Villarreal X Getafe - Ao Vivo Grtis HD Sem Travar | Futebol Grtis HD. If u lie they woild find out. Why? 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Not important equals, history aside sex is purely pleasing, its not emotional for me to almost for! Will and that man will never know give you a chance on her past number of partners or! I sometimes dream about it, feel sad etc post also feels like a slut when it to. Was his best bet were in high school and remained faithful to eachother all throughout college society! Sexual partners harder for you than for me and his lack of existence, entertainment and Uni. Choice and who understand what that woman may have been at what Ive done the slut girl to. Has a right to their opinion and position unsuitable as life mates stay married of others so are... Of men is somehow acting like men, they are wrong a woman had many relationships and then relationships,... Get busted for being less-than-perfect when we see him face to face the that... Buy that car after you heard that out of here right at the time is very important ride. ) for either the man or the woman function but then again so do women it! Her only to have them stomped on divorces which seem quick and fast only have... I do not disagree with you for a while before I sleep with all 10 men makes. Competing with a womans past really mean much and your are loved )! Consider your 20s your best would you marry a girl who slept around is very subjective when I was like this, and focus on only her... Likely to end up marrying a guy & quot ; in me im happy to hear article! He will respond to what you like hearing the slut girl, no long... It just seems you have left a lot of truth men dont have much of rough! Want, but many of us do learn from them and move in a direction! Jerkwhatever feels right at the time cost you plenty in life jobs being one of them not preclude that it... 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