kentucky cps corruption 2020

!God didn't give no man no right to take a another man's property(our children). "Now the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has joined Judge Bertelsman in telling the Cabinet they were wrongthat they will be held accountable for knowing violations of a family's rights. Even after proved otherwise by my court ordered 4,300 dollar psych evaluation, and given clear evidence that father deliberately denied me 80/100 hours of my court ordered visitation time during the 3 month interim, among other insidious behavior, there was zero accountability. Great job attorney mr. Paul Hill for saving this family! Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Notes: - CPS runs on a quota/bonus incentive system; the more children are removed from their parents, the more funding CPS gets. Neither she nor Danny had any idea that they were the prime suspects and were being accused of incest. Care2 Stands With: humanitarians, animal lovers, feminists, rabble-rousers, nature-buffs, creatives, the naturally curious, and people who really love to do the right thing. If your child has a mark from falling down in the school playground, the teacher can be arrested for not turning the parents into CPS for possible abuse. Corrupt State of Kentucky Makes Money from Adoptions In his next investigative report, reporter John Boel explains that one of the motivations for the State to remove children from parents even when parents have done nothing to warrant such a removal, is to receive federal reimbursement funds for the adoption program. 2. All rights reserved. Her attorney suggested that Leeann file a complaint with the Ombudsman. Im currently going through it with her. Usually, the Lord doth no great thing for or against his people, without giving warning of it before it comes. CPS doesnt try to heal, build nor restore families; all they know how to do is steal, kill and destroy as Jesus said in John 10:10. It doesnt matter if you have a paid attorney or not, since there is no due process.. Hopkinsville, KY 42240, Phone: 270-889-6038270-889-6038 If given the choice, she would be with me, and never left me 2 years ago. These CPS whistleblowers also confirmed that CPS can and does take away children simply to retaliate against people who try to fight or expose the system: I can call in a report tomorrow, and I can make it seem very real, to the point that a family will be investigated. The family you just helped is priceless and lucky to have found you. The case was argued by S. Chad Meridith, Commonwealth of Kentucky, and Paul J. Hill of Ft. Mitchell. The investigation often involves no real evidence. So many of us have lost our children unfairly and deserve justice. Congress, I have been dealing with CPS since May 2019!! If you find yourself aligning with any of those folks, you can move along, nothing to see here. According to Leeann, he would have burned us at the stake in Criminal Court if he could have. Im battling Doctors and my Family saying Im schizo to bipolar. Good for them! We are thrilled at this victory for us., David agreed. No doubt and we love them too and would NEVER hurt them like the corrupt business claims we did! Whenever we publish a story at regarding Kentucky, we get flooded with people sharing their stories of alleged corruption with Kentuckys Department of Child Based Services (DCBS) and the Family Court system. terms of service. Leeanns mother Sonya offered to have the children come stay with her for the summer, and since the children would enjoy summer back in their old town better than staying in Louisville, Leeann agreed. ! There is documentation and testimony that shows Re Family Services is currently being exposed as a front that brings forward allegations of possible collusion and fraud. He was cleared by the doctors and nurses and even had his order to be released when a social worker walks in my room with 2 police officers and demands to take my son. it is so amazing to see an attorney stand up to this evil corruption and you are just the miracle I need Im so scared just to give this money to any attorney because there are so many that lie just to take your money and I cant take that chance this is all I have to start this fight for my kids please their everything to me I will do anyting I cant live without my babies congratulations to this beautiful family !! We CAN stand and SPEAK UP for OUR children and OUR rights!! So happy for your family! Online Contact Form, The Office of the Ombudsman Aggregating their results across the branches and for both legal and illegal corruption, Kentucky emerges as the most corrupt state. Its Uncommon. But Then Honesty Within the FDA is Uncommon. In his next investigative report, reporter John Boel explains that one of the motivations for the State to remove children from parents even when parents have done nothing to warrant such a removal, is to receive federal reimbursement funds for the adoption program. Despite the fact that the children had been in Sonyas care for over 3 weeks when she accused Leeann of neglect, and without an investigation or a home visit, DCBS allegedly substantiated all of Sonyas allegations. All the attorneys around here are friends with all the social workers and I know my Civil Rights have been completely violated and laws have definitely been broken on CPS part! CPS doesn't seem to care about what is best for our children and WE ALL need to expose them for tearing apart good families and taking away kids who are loved yet leaving children who are abused in unfortunate circumstances in homes where they are in real danger. CPS tried to over-rule her decision to oppose the adoption and push it through quickly. Could it be that family reunification and kinship care are not profitable? Child protective services seizes children using the very system that is paid for by the tax-payer, who actually believes it is used to protect abused and neglected children. But it doesnt matter. I was all she knew 24/7, up until she was 10 years old. 401. Her older son was eventually returned after 3 years of being in the foster system, and the mother was told that the reason she was being given her son back was that he was unadoptable., So one hand, the reason the birth mother didnt get one child returned was simply that her baby girl was adoptable and another family wanted her daughter, and on the other hand, the reason the son was returned to his mothers custody was that he was deemed un-adoptable.. Happy day. IF CPS IS SUPPOSE TO BE PROTECTORS OF THE CHILDREN THEN Why is a Child more likely to be abuse in their custody than at an abusive home?Why is a child more likely to be raped in their custody than at an abusive home?The list can go on! Preventing child abuse and ensuring a safe home environment was the ultimate goal. And they need to be accountable for their destruction of decent families. Children are quickly placed into foster homes and the biological parents banned by law from having any contact with their children. Anyway to make me look foolish and mentally disturbed, they will use it against me. The children are white and prime adoption age. Please check your entries and try again. Tearing my family apart seems to mean nothing to my Small Town. It's sad they are never held accountable and everything they do they get backed up for it.Please Shut down CPS!! PRESERVATION OF REASONABLE PARENTING.Nothing in this Act is intended to disrupt the family unnecessarily or to intrude inappropriately into family life, to prohibit the use of reasonable methods of parental discipline, or to prescribe a particular method of parenting.But of course the government makes their own laws and breaks and remakes them!! $ervice$ (? If anyone has any suggestions for me of where to go or who I can contact for help please let me know. I had her for 8 months and she was happy. Danny and Leeann argued that it was not in Baileys best interest to be placed with Sonya upon her return to Kentucky, especially in light of the fact that Matt reported that Bailey is now terrified of her Mimi. They feared that Sonya may once again physically abuse Bailey into making false allegations. Im so thankful and relieved to hear such a happy ending to such a life-altering traumatizing nightmare! Could this also explain why we hear comments that some social workers will allegedly leave truly abused children with families simply because theyre un-adoptable, but remove the ones who are apparently in loving homes with caring parents simply because they are adoptable? They wont consider me any more because I violated court instruction ONCE and let her mom keep her fit 4 hour while I went to work! And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. (Joel 2:28. I have been trying to figure it out for 2 years now. The anonymous Kentucky mother shared that when her children were initially removed, she was given a case plan for reunification, but now after 6 months has passed, her case plan changed from reunification to adoption for her daughter, because the foster family filed paperwork wanting to adopt her daughter. Leeann never could have imagined the nightmare that was about to unfold when her own mother would make allegations that she and Danny had sexually abused their own daughters. Cabinet for Health and Family Services No family should have to go through this kind of treatment. These same allegations of corruption were made back in 2007, when John Boel did a 3-year long investigation exposing Kentuckys corruption. Copyright 2023, inc. and its licensors. 7, and California rises to No. I have not repressed her feelings at all, beings it causes PTSD, which I have. Image from Facebook page. We make every effort to acknowledge sources used in our news articles. In Jesus name !! Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 0:32. Correct me if Im wrong; but they just added another point to your great nieces ACEs Score (a biggie one and in/of itself a lifetime of effects from just that separation trauma), instead of being happy she had some time of receipt of love from their mama (& likely more natural & real in those 4hrs, than with others breathing down her neck), and it was likely so good for mama, as well as your & her relationship. When Leeann arrived in Hopkinsville to pick up the girls on Saturday, July 18, 2015, she had several messages on her cell phone from Sonya claiming that both girls had been sexually abused, and that Sonya had taken them to Jennie Stuart Medical for a sexual abuse exam. ), Education is useless without the bible (Daniel Webster), Courage is as fear that has said its prayers.. Also I have spoken to numerous parents who have completed case plans and still have not got their children returned. According to The National Center For Child Abuse And Neglect in 1998 reported that six times more children died in foster care than in the general public. Attorney Paul Hill should be proud to overcome the establishment in helping these people out. Leeann had no idea that the accusations of abuse were made against her and Danny, and her mind raced with questions about who had abused her children during the 3 weeks that they had been with their grandmother. Leeann says that her court appointed criminal defense attorney was not concerned with whether or not she was innocent or guilty, just whether or not she would testify against her husband. She walked out of my room, only to return in less than a minute and showed something on her phone to one of the officers. If you look at the statistics kids more likely to get hurt, neglected, and more likely killed in the states custody than at an "abusive home". They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. Image from Facebook page. team in to arrest him, claiming that he was a fugitive from the law, yet he asserts that he never even knew there was a warrant for his arrest. It has stopped being a resource for families in need and has instead turned into an adoption mill. Source. Keep sharing and signing!! Blessings to this family. The bureaucracy of workers benefit financially by a system that converts children into cash while destroying their families and their lives.. I everything right there for my attorney to prove my innocence and bring my babies home right then and there December 19th 2019 that clearly shows there lies corruption but most of all my innocence and bring my babies home they were so scared Ill never forget the crying in their screams for me and I couldnt do anything to help them! They have completely cut me off and isolated me from my babies I dont know whats going on how theyre doing especially this pandemic going on it is very scary all I do is worry about them and if theyre okay! Congratulations Schulkers for asserting your rights against what has become an unmanageable part of our Govt persons rights are diminished regularly by the Cabinet based upon untruthsgreat job Paul Hill onward and upward for justice! Its high time that WE, THE PEOPLE, T-A-K-EB-A-C-KO-U-RG-O-DG-I-V-E-NR-I-G-H-T-S (GIVEN BY THE ONE TRUE GOD, NOT allowed by the government!!!!!!!!!!.)!!!!!!!!!!. Why would an agency whose stated goal is family reunification or placement with relatives, purportedly do neither? He was beaten and burned while in state custody foster "care". In areport aired originally on WLKY Target 32 News, news anchors begin the story by explaining that the station had to go to court just to get permission to air their investigative report, because the State of Kentucky attempted to censor their report from the public. Many innocent families have been forced into bankruptcy because of nightmarish legal fees to defend themselves against this evil bureaucratic monster. Apparently, when Sonya had taken the children to Jennie Stuart Medical, Sonya also accused Leeann of neglect, stating that the children were dirty and hungry when she got them for the summer, that both girls had lice, that Danica had diaper rash, that they were underweight, and that Bailey told Sonya that her mom locked them in cages. Sonya also accused Leeann of having a drug problem. Thank you for standing up and fighting for us.yes us the ones who need you. In anotherreportcovered by Health Impact News, Attorney Julie Ketterman describes the problem like this: The role of CPS has changed over the years, Ketterman said. No evidentiary hearing. This will help secure JUSTICE for many other families. The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services Summary: This article's author worked with around 300 cases in Georgia, along with hundreds across the nation. Sheri then asked if she could at least have Danica come stay with her for the Thanksgiving weekend, but when Sarah asked her supervisor Amy Cox, Sheris request was denied. Finally, Sarah called back to inform Leeann that there would be a Family Court hearing on December 10th, and she gave dates for 2 visitations with Danica prior to the hearing. Because he was living in Tennessee in order to work, the police sent a S.W.A.T. It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated. The public schools are hunting ground for CPS. Court was set to be continued until January 28th, 2016, but has now been continued to February 25, 2016, awaiting paternity testing. Please help me in exposing all CPS and all family courts for their corruption. DCBS/DFS/CPS/FAMILY COURT would much rather take children from their homes and send them to strangers than try to ACTUALLY repair families. This good family has decided to stand up to them and fight. In some cases, states are authorized to dispense with efforts to reunify the family and move directly to termination of parental rights. You two should be the voices of the wronged in other CPS cases. 6 months into this and my baby is no longer a baby. Leeann and Danny were excited at the thought that they would finally get their children back on December 10th. We didnt want this to happen to other people. Thanks for subscribing! My days used to consist of taking care of the kids. ! Photo from Facebook page. Families are being abused by State CPS and Juvenile and Family Courts through out the United States of America, this is a major issue that needs to be addressed, Families that have had their civil rights violated through family court proceedings and the fact that all due process and constitutional rights are violated and manipulated by family court judges, District Attorneys, and Commissioners of January 25, 2016 This is just one example of these agencies and their arrogance and under performance. She is now working for DCBS in McLean County. Former Trump advisor: Its not the role of the US taxpayer to Fund the war in Ukraine, WHO Was Complicit In Chinas Cover-Up Of COVID-19 Origins, LEARN 2 UNLEARN (Ep 118): What is PATRIARCHY. However, at the hearing, there was not even any discussion of evidence. The former CPS worker explains how CPS is all about statistics, about how many children can be placed into adoption, since State and Federal reimbursement funds are all tied into statistics. In her complaint to the Ombudsman, Leeann also told him about the allegedly coerced testimony of Bailey and the alleged abuse of Bailey by Sonya that DCBS was ignoring. His reports were broadcast in the local media at that time, and included some amazing interviews with former CPS whistleblowers, documenting the depth of the alleged corruption within Kentucky CPS. Wecould find no evidence that John Boels investigative reports on Kentucky CPS back in 2005 through 2007 resulted in any changes for the better. Now a jury will get to hear what happened in this case and appropriately impose justice. They take my moms story, and Baileys initial statement made as a fact. Again, Sheri expressed her concerns about Danica living with Sonya, but was allegedly told that she was not an option for placement because she lived in Florida, and that if Danica did not live with Sonya, DCBS only other option for placement was foster care. It will be endorsed by the jury on the written indictment submitted to it that it is their joint opinion that the evidence found was insufficient to indict and the accused person must not be put on the trial. AND STOP THIS CORRUPTNESS IN JESUS NAME!! Many believe that thecorruption of CPSis rooted in a for-profit adoption system created by the Title IV bonus funds from the Federal Government given to States when they successfully adopt children. In his follow up report in 2007, John Boel receives confidential family court tapes showing just how the system works, and how the actions of some caseworkers even disturb some of their fellow caseworkers. Unfortunately it goes on way too much in Ky. I cooperated I did everything because I didnt have nothing to hide and I didnt know my rights or this was such an evil corrupt system! They stole my three babies from me and have violated so many of my rights I have videos and recordings and different evidence to prove all my innocence and that Magistrate wouldnt even take a look at one thing oh, neither would the appointed attorney they gave me I only met him once 10 minutes before the hearing the day before and he would not present or even look at any of the evidence I had he was a joke! Monsters are real! Having problems signing this? Which then in turn is good for your family as a whole. I salute Holly and David Schulkers for their courage, class, and perseverance.. He explainsthat his report gives an in-depth look into Kentucky CPS which exemplifies what they were hearing from so many other families who were comingto them. There are many people who need your help. .We want to get back to our normal lives, even as we are healthy at home with six kids., Attorney Paul Hill is happy and proud, as he has become friends with David and Holly, whom he describes as the best of the best., But Hill is most proud of the legal implications of the Sixth Circuit decision which will be published and become clearly established law on the issue of qualified immunity.. PLEASE SHARE GOT IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY!! Family Court Judge Jason Shea Fleming presides over the 3rd Judicial Circuit Court in Christian County, Kentucky. As a parent suffering the loss of my children because the corruption who do I need to contact in order to have my case in the investigation, First go to GOD!! This legislation started with good intentions, Ketterman said, but it was the seed for corruption, Ketterman alleges thatCPS frequently oversteps their boundaries, opting to remove children from their homes, placing them outside the home and into foster-to-adopt homes for monetary advantage. MoveOn Civic Action does not necessarily endorse the contents of petitions posted on this site. For almost 2 weeks, she was detained without access to a phone call, and she was continually being offered plea bargains by her defense attorney if she would testify against Danny. Something went wrong. The Schulkers filed their lawsuit on May 4, 2017, claiming the social workers violated their Constitutional Rights of Family Integrity and the childrens rights to be free from unlawful seizure at their school. DCBS places hundreds of children and youth for adoption each year. Lindsey Adams, the prosecutor from their Criminal trial, is the same prosecutor for the Family Court trial. After 3 weeks of the girls being at Sonyas home, Leeann began to suspect during their phone calls that her mother was drinking again, and decided to end the summer visit early. While working toward the goal of reunification, the childs worker will complete a relative search and possibly place the child with relatives. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a0afdd694e99462b1bd9d3e23c768ee2" );document.getElementById("ad10372649").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); House Bill Introduced to End FBI/ATF No Knock Raids on Gun Owners, Abominable Dr. Tony Has Hurt Millions Of Kids [Video]. Theyre incredibly corrupt and unprofessional. They did it to stop this from happening again in the future. and then-attorney general office KY and then to the United States attorney general office, Write both of them letters explaining your position why your children should not have been removed from your home. Don't get me wrong, their are bad parents out there actually abusing their kids but if majority of kids taken are from innocent homes than actually abusive parents. Photo supplied by family. So please STOP THIS CORRUPTION and even better get our innocent kids back home because it is not right at all!! When Danny and Leeann Foster of Christian County, Kentucky fell on hard times in the summer of 2015, they decided to move to Louisville to look for work. They are the real abusers and kidnappers! As a whole nation, we need to put a stop to CPS and family court corruption. Kentucky is not only perceived to be illegally corrupt but also legally corrupt. Meantime, in full knowledge of the new test results, Kammer and another CHFS employee went to the childrens schools and had the Schulkers children without the parents permission brought into a private room one by one with no school personnel present and asked them about mommys drug use. The children were understandably upset. Enter social workers and Hollys nightmare. Another discovery made in this circle of CPS corruption is a business deal between CPS and Re Family Services. Our Promise: Welcome to Care2, the worlds largest community for good. In the Child Trafficking definition of victims, boys are included as well as girls, and the victims could be anyoneyour daughter, your son, your neighbor, your friend. Big Names Across The Political Spectrum That Are Suspicious About The Cause Of Epsteins Death . Please check your email for further instructions. I think our Govenor, Attorney General, Secretary of State as well as Congress of the United States of America of Kentucky need to address our Childrens Rights and well as our Parental Rights that have been violated. The Corruption of Climate Science: how was it done? To the extent that the court relies on such, the court shall include a copy of that material in the record.. I have a DCBS horror story also, as do many, many families in Daviess county. Jesus chastised religious leaders in the first century for not knowing the time of His arrival. Copyright 2012 - 2023 | TLB Project LLC, Michigan Teen Girl in CPS Custody Near Death Twin Sister Pleads for Her Life, Indiana Parents Trip to E.R. According to this anonymous Kentucky mother, her case plan was dragged on for 3 years so that her daughter would fully bond with the foster family and not with her, the birth mother. She even relates one story of how someone who could not have children placed an order for a baby: Someone could not have a child and wanted a child. One Kentucky mother, who wishes to remain anonymous, explains how corruption is motivated by money, by using children as commodities in a for-profit business: Truly abused children are considered damaged goods and are not sellable, whereas those from good homes are much more adaptable and profitable to the State.. SURPRISE, SURPRISE!! May God bring them back home!! They all get shut down and we get our children back !! News video of an Inspector General's investigation into CPS corruption in Kentucky, that found fraud, forgery and abuse of power!! January 12, 2020 at 6:00 a.m. . the Prophets That Would Boldly Confront the Ruling Class with Harsh Truths, Usually About Social Justice, When The Right Spirit Walks In,The Wrong Spirit Get Nervous, Watchman: the FDA Discovered a Risk in Something Other Than Raw Milk. Reporter John Boel states that they were being swamped with complaints against CPS in Kentucky. HNewsWire: The same old deception and obfuscation. I was setting there waiting on his discharge papers to be brought so my family could go home and the social worker literally walked in and stole my baby!!!! order to receive the "adoption incentive bonuses" local child protective services need more children. Bailey with her dog Layla in California. And the biological parents banned by law from having any contact with their.. 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